Date : Thu, 05 Oct 1989 02:13:15 GMT
From : pacbell!sactoh0! (Brent K. Barrett)
Subject: LBR utilities for UNIX or MSDOS
In article <>, (David Fayek Botros) writes:
> My friend wants to know is there are any library utilities that work under
> MSDOS or UNIX. It seems that he has several libraries that he wants to
> extract, but they are too big to fit onto a single disk. Are there
> any C source code available for a simple library viewrer/extractor?
I have just such a thing. I wrote a limited NULU clone for MSDOS
called ALU, and I included the Turbo C 1.5 source code as well. It
*doesn't* support CRC checking (due to the fact that when I wrote
it (~2 years ago), I didn't have those algorithms available. :-)
I shall encode and shar a copy to your friend at the address you
provided. Tell me if he doesn't get it in a week or so.
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