Date : Sat, 21 Oct 1989 22:29:03 GMT
From : mcsun!unido!cosmo2! (Tilmann Reh)
Subject: Submit operation under CP/M 3.0
dear david,
the usage of SUBMIT under CP/M-3 is as easy as if you started the
programs directly. Under CP/M-3 it is possible to set the "Search Order"
to contain .SUB files, that means, when you type a command and then hit
"return", the system will search for files "command.COM" and "command.SUB",
in the order you previously defined. If a SUB file is found, SUBMIT.COM
is automatically loaded and the batchfile will be processed immediately.
You have nothing to do except typing the command with its parameters,
just as you would do with an executable COM file. Isn't that nice?
If you are the lucky owner of something called RAM-Disk (perhaps non-
volatile?), then you can increase system performance by having SUBMIT.COM
and all often-used SUB files in it. Then you set the "Drive Search Chain"
for the system to look at the ram-disk first before attempting to access
the physical drives. After that, you just wonder how you could ever work
without it.
Tilmann Reh