Date : Thu, 26 Oct 1989 22:20:57 GMT
From :!ctrsol!sdsu!crash! (Marc Wilson)
Subject: DEC Rainbow
Does anyone know what INT 28h is under DEC Rainbow CP/M 86? I'm trying
to move a copy of WordStar from that OS to generic CP/M-86 ( if Compupro
CP/M 8-16 can be said to be generic ), and I'm getting undefined interrupt
messages all over the place.
Removing the call, or placing an IRET at that location, causes the
program to not function at all, thus I deduce it's returning something
important. Immediately after each INT, CL is alwaytested. I assume that the
returned value is there.
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM