Date : Fri, 08 Dec 1989 20:24:41 GMT
From :!usc!sdsu!crash! (Marc Wilson)
Subject: UUCP problems
In article <891204154704.711381@DMZRZU71-UNI-MAINZ--GERMANY> CPM@DMZRZU71.BITNET
>Trying out that (new?) version I found that the missing components
>(ALL.SUB, OTHERS.SUB, CCICO.SUB and MAIL.SUB) were in place now.
>Instead the docs are packed in a strange way, they are not crunched or
>squeezed, but have the character 'Y' as the middle char of the file
>extension ( *.DYC). What does this mean? A new reducing technique?
There is a new compression algorithm available for CP/M machines
now. The popular name for it seems to have become CRLZH. This is the
same algorithm used by LHARC and PKZIP IMPLODE technique.
Look for CRLZH11.LBR on your favorite RCP/M, or call Z-Node #9q
at 619-270-3148. That's the author's own system, and the latest versions
of the programs are available there.
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM