Date : Mon, 12 Feb 1990 16:32:42 GMT
From : crash! (Marc Wilson)
Subject: Kaypro 4 ('84) Hardware
In article <1096@mindlink.UUCP> a577@mindlink.UUCP (Curt Sampson) writes:
>On my Kaypro 4 (1984 vintage) I have a long header (connecter) that is much
>like the floppy drive header (for a ribbon cable), but right above it. Does
>anyone have any idea what this is for? Thanks.
> -CJS
It's the connector for the host adapter board. This board is a simple
little gadget that has nothing more than an LS138 and a couple of resistors
on it, plus two connectors. One goes to the motherboard connector, the
other goes to the W{_estern Digital HD controller.
Before you get all excited, you must also have the 81-302 BIOS ROM in
you 4-84 before you can add the HD. You also have to have the controller.
The host adapter is available here in San Diego for $15 from a company
called ERAC. You can find their address/phone # in Nuts and Volts.
Marc Wilson
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INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #23