Date : Tue, 13 Feb 1990 07:59:24 EST
From : "'Alex Bodnar Jr -'" <abodnar@APG-EMH5.APG.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: de-compression help
In article <774@nixpbe.UUCP> josef@peun11.uucp (Moellers) writes:
>I am writing a program to unpack .LBR archives on UNIX (perhaps pack later).
>I have the structure of the archive (which is fairly simple).
>What I am looking for is a description of the compression algorithms
>used when squeezing or crunching files (i.e. generating *.?Z? or *.?Q?)
>>Don't forget *.?Y? ! This is the LZH compression algorithm which was ported
>>to CP/M last September. The file -SOURCE.NOT contained in the CRLZH11.LBR
>>library (the cruncher/uncruncher files) contains the sentence:
>> "Most of the 'interesting' stuff is in the LZH encoding and decoding
>> algorithms, anyway, which are released in .REL (and .SLR) format
>> ONLY at this time."
i downloaded the CRLZH11.LBR again to make sure about the REL and to
my surprise .... i used nulu lu and ldir to check it and there are no
rel files inside this library just one *.RYL file. so how is one
supposed to be able to uncompress ?????? Thank-You in advance......