Date : Mon, 19 Feb 1990 16:01:13 GMT
From :!!!sdsu!crash! (Marc Wilson)
Subject: Ampro Little Board w/Hard Disk
In article <2564@sactoh0.UUCP> ianj@sactoh0.UUCP (Ian R. Justman) writes:
>I just got an Ampro Little Board Tuesday from a friend for $50.
>This is just the board and software because I have the necessary
>hardware, like a floppy disk and a power supply. The FD and PS I
WHich Ampro? A LB/Z80, or LB/Z80+? The first has no capability for
a hard drive without adding Ampro's host adapter ( goes under the Z80...
sells for $99 ). The LB/Z80+ has the SCSI port installed already.
You might be able to convince your parallel port to talk to the WD
controller, but it's FAR easier to just go SCSI.
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM