Date : Sat, 24 Feb 1990 11:20:38 GMT
From : crash! (Marc Wilson)
Subject: Ampro Little Board w/Hard Disk
In article <WJC.90Feb22191955@hoswjc.ho5cad.ATT.COM> william_j_carpenter@ATT.COM
(Bill Carpenter) writes:
>How much trouble would it be to get the Little Board SCSI to work with
>a SCSI tape drive? I'm sort of naive on the subject, but I reckon
>after you have the SCSI adaptor, it's mostly a matter of software.
>Has it already been done?
There is software available from Ampro to do backups to a tape drive
interfaced over the SCSI bus. I dunno how well it works; I haven't tried it
'cause I don't have a tape drive.
If you want random access, I'd have to say no. Streaming tape? Almost
Marc Wilson
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