Date : Tue, 20 Mar 1990 17:38:02 GMT
From : nwnexus!slovax! (jeff)
Subject: Request for S-100 front panel.
Having been tweaked with nostalgia by the recent requests for
info on S-100 stuff, I dredged out the garage and found my old
dinosaur. So fond were the memories, that i'd like to bring it
back to life, if for no other reason than to watch it suck up
paper tape and run interesting patterns on the lights.
Most everything is intact. However, I find myself lacking
a front panel.
My request: DOES ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE AN IMSAI (or equivalent)
FRONT PANEL (with or without documentaion) THAT THEY
I will pay all shipping, and will negotiate purchase if
necessary. (In other words, if it's gonna be expensive, I'll
probably just bury the beast in the garage again!)
Thanks muchly...
[ jeff@SLOVAX.WA.COM -- Jeff Loucks, H(206)851-8908 W(206)967-8018 ]