Date : Thu, 12 Apr 1990 04:45:59 GMT
From : fernwood!portal!! (David H Close)
Subject: Why Bother With CP/M?
dg@pallio.UUCP (David Goodenough) writes:
" On the other side though, it still chugs along nicely: a 4MHz Z80 can
" do the CRC and data transfer to keep an Xmodem transfer going at up to
" about 22000 BPS, and that's doing the CRC the hard way (i.e. bit banging),
" with a table driven CRC, it'd probably exceed 38400 BPS.
Actually, it will do even better. I know of a 4MHz Z80 pumping 56Kbps SDLC.
Dave Close, Compata, Arlington, Texas OR
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #63