Date : Mon, 23 Apr 1990 15:01:54 GMT
From :! (Jim Gonzalez)
Subject: Floppies TEN (10) HARD sectored, SW Sources
In article <4016@suned1.Nswses.Navy.MIL> efb@suned1.Nswses.Navy.MIL (Everett
F Batey II) writes:
>Have a dedicated Northstar based system. Looking for a source of no
>longer locally available DS DD 10 RH 5.25 floppies. Used to be we
>could get 3M. They Double Sided, Dual Density, Ten Sectors per track,
>Reinforced hub floppies. Thanks for any ideas in the Southwest, chains
>or reputable mail order houses. /Ev/
The last time I bought hard-sector diskettes for the Horizon, I got them
from Inmac. Inmac is a large supplier that focuses on corporate computer
users, but also deals with provate individuals. They are not a discount
house, but their prices are OK. They listed their private-label 10-sector
floppies at $1.69 each, this time last year. The prices drops to $1.39
in quantites of 60 or more. They have local offices in LA and San Diego
(you said "Southwest", but I believe JPL is SoCal). Phone numbers for
Catalog (US) 800-826-8180
Catalog (CA) 800-722-0085
LA sales 213-852-0973
San Diego sales 619-266-2144
Sunnyvale sales 408-737-7777
Tempe, AZ sales 602-438-0500
If you don't find any other suppliers, these guys will have them. Good luck.