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Date   : Mon, 14 May 1990 05:01:48 GMT
From   : bbn.com!gonzalez@apple.com (Jim Gonzalez)
Subject: C Compilers

A *very* long time ago, I had asked about getting a C compiler for CP/M.
A lot has happened since then, and I now have *two* C compilers.

The first is BDS C, which was produced by Leor Zolman and is now supported
by Jay Sage.  I've been told that it's the fastest CP/M-based C compiler
around.  I believe it.  Certain sacrifices were made, such as the exclusion
of floats and statics, but for cause.  The resulting code is small and fast.
$90.  I *like* it.

The other compiler is Aztec.  For those who may remember, I'd reported that
Manx had dropped their CP/M version, and I was subsequently corrected.  The
*correct* phone number is 1-800-221-0440.  Their sales manager, Debbie
Hertler, informed me that there is no on-going development, but they are 
still distributing the latest version, 1.06D.  They are now selling at half 
price, so it's only $99.50 for the Developers package, which has everything 
but the library source, which is in the $175 Commercial package.  The compiler
claims to comply with K&R on everything but bit fields, which I don't use.  
The price is paid in speed and space.  Compile time is measured in minutes,
compared to BDS C's seconds.  Resulting COM files are about twice as big, 
and run about 20% slower.  Ain't no free lunch.

If you plan to buy a C compiler, and are pressed for cash, go with BDS.
It's faster and more efficient.  It is a living product, too, with a real
live contact right on the net :-).  It does include a floating point library
that works on character arrays of binary-coded decimal, and appropriate
coding to allow printf to handle them.  Not as nice, but it's there.

If you have the bucks, get both.  When you want really fast code, you can 
use BDS.  When you get tired of beating your head against a wall over missing
features, you can switch to Aztec.  They both have their place.

Oh, yes.  Thanks to all those who responded to my original inquiry.  If
anyone has questions about either of these compilers or about the other 
suppliers I'd considered, please send email (gonzalez@bbn.com).  I know
there are at least one or two other BDS and Aztec users reading this
newsgroup/mailing list, and would be interested in trading war stories.


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