Date : Mon, 11 Jun 1990 16:53:59 GMT
From : mtxinu!shore@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Melinda Shore)
Subject: CP/M text editors
In article <3251@sactoh0.UUCP> ianj@sactoh0.UUCP (Ian R. Justman) writes:
>As for programs
>that edit larger files, I haven't had any luck yet finding a file
>that will fit that bill nicely.
I like Vedit+ for this and other reasons. I've edited files 200K
in length, and while it could get sluggish during reads/writes to
floppies, it worked very nicely. It's also very configurable, and
has a TECO-like macro language (some may not consider this to be
a feature).
Melinda Shore
mt Xinu ..!uunet!!shore