Date : Sun, 24 Jun 1990 22:59:30 GMT
From : unmvax!!!wranum@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Falcon)
Subject: BD Systems C compiler
...Does anybody know where I could upgrade BDS-C 1.31 to whatever the newest
revision is? I've ftp'd everything out of the BDS-C directories and while it
appears to contain lots of revisions to the libraries and things, I havn't been
able to compile much of anything due to the very old and bug-laden version of
the compiler that I have... Does anybody know where I can upgrade the actual
executable compiler (CC.COM and CC2.COM) to version 1.51 or whatever the newest
version is, and how much it's going to cost me? Tnx...
/ Falcon ( M ============ \
| "If it moves, shoot it; if it keeps | / \ |
| moving, RUN." | /-------> |
+------------------------------------------+ / \ nK1e bYt0rZ |<luB |
| DISCLAIMER: These opinions are mine | ============ |
\ alone, unless they're not. W Albuquerque, New Mexico /