Date : Mon, 25 Jun 1990 00:50:32 GMT
From : mcdchg!chinet! (Charlie Kestner)
Subject: Editors, Microcornucopia
In article <>
(Falcon) writes:
.stuff deleted...
>Tnx... Always looking for something better. Somebody needs to port Emacs and
>vi over to 2.2.
Someone already HAS orted EMacs (kinda) over to 2.2 - it's available
(I should say "KIND of available"!) as either Mince (you can get it from)
C Users Group in Kansas - needs BDS-C to compile), Perfect Writer (can't
buy it legally anymore, but...), or Pmate (ditto on the buy it business).
Mince is emacs-LIKE. You get the identical command structure, but
the macro facility is limited. There is no toggling between command mode,
and text entry, it's basically text entry, and you can make a one-line
macro (but you can't SAVE your macros).
Perfect Writer is the same as Scribble. All Perfect did was to combine
SMince and Scribble (a formatter) along with a menu and a spell-checker, and
call the whole ting Perfect{ Writer.
OTOH, Pmate DOES let you toggle between command and text-entry mode.
I understand it's not being sold anymore, but have seen some traffic
about it being made available as Zmate (Pmate that understands Z3).