Date : Tue, 03 Jul 1990 19:29:06 GMT
From :!usc!!helios! (Tim McGuire)
Subject: Single Density Osborne to MS-Dos [??] Format
A few years ago I was using an Osborne I and then graduated to an
Osborne Executive (it came w/ UCSD Pascal). I (reluctantly) moved all
my computing to MS-Dos about 4 years back.
Well, this isn't alt.folklore.computers, so on to my question:
I recently needed to access some of my data from my Osborne I days, and
found (actually remembered) that Media Master and Uniform will not read
single density disks. I presume that this is a hardware limitation of
the *BM drive. Can anyone give me any info on how to read my ancient
Tim McGuire