Date : Fri, 06 Jul 1990 22:40:18 GMT
From :!!dsiramd!actrix! (Ewen Mcneill)
Subject: C compiler
I own an Amstrad CPC6128 which runs CP/M Plus (61K TPA, 180K disks). I
can read most other 5.25" CP/M disk formats to import data/programs.
I am looking for a C compiler for my machine. Requirements: Moderately
fast, Moderately good, Fairly cheap, minimum of K&R standard.
Does anyone have any comments, recommendations, or suggestions. Any
contact addresses, or prices would be appreciated.
I have heard that the Mix C compiler (CP/M version) is quite good, but I
don't have a contact address, or a current price. Does anyone else?
Please post to the net, or mail suggestions to the address below (the
header may be wrong).
Thanks in advance, Ewen McNeill.
Ewen McNeill (