Date : Fri, 05 Oct 1990 16:50:14 GMT
From :!tektronix!nosun!techbook! (Frank Zsitvay)
Subject: CPM Companion
In article <176@pdxgate.UUCP> gleb@eecs.UUCP (Glenn LeBrasseur) writes:
>Don't forget that the old sugart 400's that came with the N* only have
>35 tracks, as opposed to 40.
>Also the WD1771 only supports single density (and single side). It will of
>course handle an 8in floppy such as sugart 800 for a wopping 256KB.
actually, the shurgart 400 drives will do forty tracks. it's a function
of software
fzsitvay@techbook.COM - one of these days i'll get it right...
Version 2 of anything is usually the version that works.