Date : Thu, 08 Nov 1990 19:45:03 GMT
From :!wuarchive!emory!hubcap!ncrcae!ncr-sd!simasd!simasd!pnet07! (Don Maslin)
Subject: Kaypro II-84: SSDD to DSDD Change
donm@hpnmdla.HP.COM (Don Montgomery) writes:
>This may have been asked many times previously, but I missed it-
>I have a "stock" Kaypro II-84 with 191K SSDD drives. What do I need to
>to DSDD drives besides the drives themselves? (The originals are indeed
>sided, one head with a rubbing block on the other side.) Does anyone have the
>code for the monitor ROM changes? What other hardware changes are required,
>any? With the demise of MICROCORNUCOPIA magazine and the advent of MS/DOS,
>the advertisers for this sort of thing have disappeared.
>Can anyone offer any help? Thanks
While it is true that uC magazine is gone (and much lamented), they are still
selling their products for Kaypro and other CP/M machines. A friend recently
purchased their PRO 884 MAX ROM for his KP-4/84. uC also markets a decoder
board to permit up to four floppy drives on the KP. Their mail address is:
Micro Cornucopia, Inc.
P.O. Box 223
Bend OR 97709
Another possible source of KP stuff is:
Emerald Microware
P.O. Box 1726
Beaverton OR 97075
Advent Products, Inc.
3154-F East La Palma Ave
Anaheim CA 92806
Good luck.
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