Date : Fri, 07 Dec 1990 06:25:02 GMT
From : swrinde!!wuarchive!emory!hubcap!ncrcae!ncr-sd!simasd!simasd!pnet07! (Don Maslin)
Subject: Hard drive for Kaypro II?
donk@dadla.WR.TEK.COM (Donald C. Kirkpatrick) writes:
>I read this article on Thursday, November 29. The next day I tucked my
>Kaypro under my arm, grabed a hard disk with my other hand, and payed
>Emerald Microware a visit. On the following Tuesday, I picked up my
>machine with a new (to me) 20 meg hard drive. That's what I call
What long arms you have!
>Thanks for the tip Don.
You're welcome.
- don
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