Date : Mon, 17 Dec 1990 01:11:42 PST
From : (Will Rose)
Subject: Wordstar and the high bit
Generally the first thing you need on a cpm/m machine is a comms program,
to dig around BBSs for old software - and the second thing is a filter to
strip the junk out of the capture buffers. You can write it in any
language you like, but you will surely need it; quite often pip..[Z]
makes an acceptable substitute.
Wordstar obviously had this question come up too often, because they put
a 'print to ASCII file' output into CP/M 4.0, and into all subsequent
(MSDOS) versions. If you are editing, not telecommunicating, and don't
want the stuff there in the first place, you can set a flag in Wordstar
so it comes up in the N mode as a default; then you can only do D editing
from the main menu. Or use vde, which doesn't put junk in the file until
you tell it to.
I've never had Wordstar (3.0 or 3.3) set a bit in an N-edited file at the
cursor position; which version were you running?
The real problem is a file with a premature ^Z, so that nothing beyond that
point can be seen by an editor. DDT is then the only cure.
Good luck, anyway - Will
"If heaven too had passions | Will Rose
even heaven would | UUCP: {nosc ucsd hplabs!hp-sdd}!crash!pnet01!cw
grow old." - Li Ho. | ARPA: crash!pnet01!
UUCP: {nosc ucsd hplabs!hp-sdd}!crash!pnet01!cwr
ARPA: crash!pnet01!