Date : Fri, 21 Dec 1990 14:27:17 GMT
From :!tektronix!nosun!qiclab!techbook! (Frank Zsitvay)
Subject: pickles and trout cp/m load error 99
i'm having a problem installing the hard disk version of
pickles and trout cp/m on my tandy 16b with 12 meg hard disk.
after running the system configuration MENU, and selecting the
hard disk module and a proper hard disk table, i reboot the system
like i'm supposed to. after a little bit of floppy disk grinding,
the loader writes on the screen 'Load Error 99' and things come to
a halt. the hard disk is functional since i ran xenix on it, and
i powered everything up in the proper sequence. (hard disk first.)
after repeated attempts, i still get the same message. usually,
when the loader complains with an error message, it's because there is
an essential file that is missing, but i seem to have all of the
files needed to install the system. even when i disable the hard disk
by deselecting the hard disk module in the installation, the system
stills gives the same error message.
does anyone know what could be causing this problem??
fzsitvay@techbook.COM - but don't quote me on that....
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