Date : Fri, 04 Jan 1991 14:47:51 GMT
From : usc!samsung!rex!uflorida!!prism! (MILLS,JOHN M.)
Subject: Help with embedded ^Z
^Z? A friend disassembled the @#$% thing to learn how to get that error
message. I would first try simply _editing_ your original (corrupted)
file under Word Master. You should be able to see and delete the
offender. (If you copied the file using a 'dumb' utility, it may have
been truncated. Hope that hasn't happened.) It's been a long time
since I used it, but Word Master shouldn't balk at ^Z (except for giving
you some unsolicited advice).
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!jm59