Date : Fri, 18 Jan 1991 20:34:47 GMT
From : van-bc!cynic!pevans@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Phillip Evans)
Subject: Need file split program.
howardr@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM (Howard Rebel) writes:
> I have an urgent need for a file split
> program(s) that runs under CPM.
You can use PIP to primitive file splitting and concantenation. When I
ran into this difficulty with a textfile I TYPE'd the file to the console
and waited until what I thought was half of it had scrolled by, then did
control-S and picked out what I hoped was a unique sequence of bytes
The I did PIP <newfile>=<oldfile>[Q<uniquestring>^Z]
PIP <newfile2>=<oldfile>[S<uniquestring>^Z]
This can be undone by
PIP <bigfile>=<oldfile>,<oldfile2>