Date : Sun, 03 Feb 1991 02:33:47 GMT
From :!!swrinde!!!!!!
Subject: can I use this with my Kaypro 10?
In article <9102010806.AA18826@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, cummings@primerd.Prime.COM
(Kevin J. Cummings) writes:
> Unless I'm mistaken (Its been known to happen), the Xebec card
> is a SASI->ST506 disk controller. SASI was some long lost SCSI
> predecessor (probably not compatible with today's SCSI stuff).
Looking through the schematics for a SASI -> ST506 controller, it looks
like all it's missing is parity.
> It was the popular thing to do back in the late '70's. A host
> to SASI interface was a real simple card, containing little more
> than some buffering logic. The SASI cable was usually a 50-pin ribbon
You can still do this with SCSI. See the latest issue of The Computer
Journal, which contains a SCSI adapter for Z80s consisting of an Intel
8255 and a few OR gates.
> Will it work in your Kaypro? My guess is only if you can find a
> Kaypro->SASI interface card to produce the signals needed on the
> 50 pin cable, or if the Kaypro HD interface is already SASI.
You could build a fairly simple SCSI or SASI interface that would plug
into the WD1002-05 port on a Kaypro, but you'd have to write all the
software yourself.
Roger Ivie
35 S 300 W
Logan, Ut. 84321
(801) 752-8633