Date : Wed, 06 Feb 1991 06:59:20 GMT
From :!!!! (Filip Gieszczykiewicz)
Subject: uudecode for a K10...
Greetings. Someone sent me some uuencoded-binary files to my
UNIX account and, as much as I have tried, I have failed to
get them to my Kaypro 10. I went even as far as getting a
C compiler and sources for UUDECODE - failed. It seems the
program is 32-bit specific, besides, the C compiler does not
support disk I/O ;-)
So, anyone have a K10 uudecode program? Here again is the
problem, if you send me a .COM file, I have no way of getting
it to the K10 (catch22??)
I'm using MEX114 (Modem Executive) but as far as I can tell, it
only handles ASCII capture... I have a X and Z modem transfer
programs for the UNIX side of the problem, I just don't have anything
for the K10.
By the way, these are small files - I don't care if your solution
runs at 110 baud :-)
Again, I can go to Simtel and get stuff (that's actually where
I got the software) but I can't get the binary files to my K10.
Take care.
P.S. I tried UUENCODING the files into text, using ASCII capture,
but I can't get the C source for the UUDECODE on my K10 to compile.
P.P.S. I have ST.COM (Super term) but have no idea how to transfer
files. I have a feeling it also only supports text capture....
If reply bounces, try "kwgst@pittvms"... no? try ""
Did you hear? Some Poles burned the Russian flag near the Soviet embassy,
in Poland. :-) :-) "Nothing is impossible if you don't have to do it yourself."
End of INFO-CPM Digest V91 Issue #25