Date : Mon, 18 Feb 1991 00:36:53 GMT
From : csusac!sactoh0!ijpc! (Ian Justman)
Subject: TeleVideo communication program?
OPRCMD@UOFT01.BITNET ("Casimir M. Drahan") writes:
> Can anyone recommend a communications program that will allow a
> TeleVideo 1603 to log onto an IBM mainframe? Right now I'm
> using TeleAsync (CPM-86) and Mite (MS-DOS).
> My problem is that when I log onto the system it asks if I'm
> using an IBM-PC, H19, VT-100, or Microbee. If I reply VT-100
> (or H19, Microbee) the screen doesn't clear properly. If I
> get a --More-- and hit the page space key it moves the bottom
> half of the screen up but doesn't do a clear screen.
> It's worse when I reply IBM-PC... Everything appears on one
> line. No LF's or clear screen.
> I've tried the Kermit server at Columbia but couln't find any-
> thing that would seem to fill the bill. Of course if I had
> found something there would still be the problem of how to
> get it into the TeleVideo. Catch 22 ...
> Any ideas? Suggestions?
> Also, I'd like to find a BBS program that would run on this
> machine. It has two floppy drives (760 k) and 256 k memory.
> and is hooked to a 2400 bps modem. Either CPM-86 or MS-DOS
> would do...
> Thanks.
> Casimir Matthew Drahan
> Computer Services
> University of Toledo
> Bitnet: OPRCMD@UOFT01
I sure wouldn't mind having info for CP/M-86 stuff either since I
run a CompuPro 8/16 with Concurrent DOS 8/16 which can also run
CP/M-86 software concurrently. I'm also in the process of
getting CP/M-86 to run on it, and I've also got Aztec C for it
and am learning C and trying to port HMODEM II to CP/M-86 (give
me Zmodem of all things...).
I've recently acquired the source code to Qterm 4.2G, and Dave is
going to release source with his next release of Qterm, and I
will try to see if I can port Qterm over to CP/M-86 so I can have
Kermit and VT-100 emulation.
As far as MS-DOS stuff is concerned, if you have what I think you
have, you'll be having one heck of a time finding BBS software
for MS-DOS for that machine. You'd have to get a program that
does not speak directly to the screen on a regular (E)ISA/MCA
computer, and can be adapted to talk to your hardware.
Good luck!