Date : Fri, 22 Feb 1991 08:25:36 GMT
From : pilchuck!dataio!fnx! (Dag Erik Lindberg)
Subject: Using 3.5" floppies instead of 8" floppies
In article <11375@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>
(Ralph Becker-Szendy) writes:
-Since someone asked what the method is to hook up a 3.5" floppy disk drive
-instead of an 8" drive, here is a listing of pin-numbers on the cables.
A 5.25"
-HD or 3.5" HD floppy is electrically nearly equivalent to a 8" DD floppy. The
-If the 5.25" or 3.5" drive really needs the MOTOR ON signal (most newer ones
-can be jumpered to do the motor control themselves), just strap it to ground,
-that keeps the engines under full steam.
**** DON'T DO THIS !!!! ****
Most newer 5/25" or 3/5" drives do not onload the head when the drive is not
being access. If you leave the drive running continuously, you will wear
out the diskette at an alarming rate. I have several souvenier diskettes
where nearly all the magnetic oxide has been worn off the diskette from
being left in drives that were running continuously. You could practically
read a newspaper through one of them.
If you can't do it properly with a real motor control, then either a) tie
motor-on to the drive-select and always delay 1/2 second after selecting
before accessing drive, or b) build a small timer that will pull down the
motor on line for 20-60 seconds after a select.
-Some 8" disk drives can have very elaborate selection schemes (binary select,
-where SELECT 0 is a global select and SELECT 1-3 are a 3-bit drive address),
-they use weird combinations of select lines instead of SIDE SELECT to switch
-between the two sides. If one really >has< to emulate such madness, a few TTL
-gates might be required.
Or a single PAL device.
-One more weirdness: 3.5" drives usually have non-removable terminators in the
-kOhm range, instead of the good old ~200 Ohm removable terminators. I have
-never tried using just a 3.5" drive at the end of a long flat cable with no
-other termination, and it probably is a real bad idea since reflections
must be
I've had no trouble with 6 foot cables.
-I never understood why people would want to replace 8" drives. They are
-friendly, solid, reliable, and teach respect for computers. I have lost a 3.5"
-disk drive in the pile of stuffs on my desk; that could never happen to an 8"
-drive. Installing a 2-drive set with power supply is very good exercise and
-builds character and muscles. They heat the office, and provide a pleasant
-acoustic background (I call mine the "afterburner"). You will never forget
a 8"
Computers and human beings should not share the same room when either is
in operation. :-)
del AKA Erik Lindberg uunet!pilchuck!fnx!del
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