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Date   : Mon, 25 Feb 1991 13:48:20 -0500
From   : Jay Sage <sage@ll.mit.edu>
Subject: ZDOS Installation

Mike Sprague described how he finally overcame the obstacles to getting ZDOS
installed on his machine, including all the operations with MOVCPM and SYSGEN
(bravo, and congratulations, Mike).  Then he concluded with "Next step,
ZCPR!"  I just want to remind people again that if you do things the other
way around, an NZCOM Z-System first, then installing ZSDOS is just about
trivial.  Putting the clock-driver module into the NZCOM user buffer is one
of the options on the clock-driver generator's menu, and loading the DOS is
as simple as issuing the command: JETLDR ZSDOS.ZRL.

-- Jay Sage

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