Date : Sun, 10 Mar 1991 12:09:20 EDT
Subject: About CP/M-80 emulator on PC AT
I've juste bought MEDIA-MASTER v5.01 which now include a CP/M-Z80
software emulator... for PC XT or AT...
It emulator either Z80, 8080 (software), and for which who have a
NEC V20 instead of a intel processor: 8080 (hardware)... because this chip
has a 8080 compatibility mode. (Does someone know how to enter in this mode?)
I've not fully tested yet but it speed... For example i've done in Z80 a loop
which take exactly 10 seconds on a Z80 at 4Mhz with no INT nor NMI...
On a PC XT (8088 at 4,77Mhz) with Z80MU It was taken: 147secondes, now with
ZPEM (MM v5.01) it takes only: 58secondes (for information on a commodore 128
in CP/M mode it takes 60secondes|||) I've also done the test on a 386sx-20
with ZPEM: only 7 secondes (so it's faster than a Z80 a 4Mhz|||)
This emulator permit to acces I/O port... To acces RS232C for example (|)
And they have add a new Bdos fonction which permit to call any PC's bios fnct
But it simply emulator a CPM22 (or perhaps a ZCPR because of the LIST cmd?)
But it exist... Try it | Bye| Alex. <MONTARON@FRP8V11>