Date : Wed, 20 Mar 1991 08:43:43 GMT
From : csusac!sactoh0!ijpc! (Ian Justman)
Subject: Re: Flame returned (was Re: VT100KAY.LBR problems) (Ewen McNeill) writes:
> And YOU don't really know what you are talking about. I have had the
> same problems as Klaus has had -- I also own a CPC6128. The problem he
> describes is exactly true, for the CPC6128. There is a bug (somewhere)
> in the Bios. I am going to have to go reverse-engineering it (there is
> no Bios source available to my knowledge).
(stuff deleted along the way)
> FTR, I have successfully used UCRLZH to uncrunch files (.?Z?), so it
> definately does work. This was not off the floppy drives on the
> Amstrad, however (this is where the bug is).
> Sorry, everyone, that this has got this long. It was intended to rebut
> the flame, but the opportunity to seek others opinion on the problem
> couldn't be missed.
> Any useful suggestions are welcomed, and any off-the-cuff flames will be
> dealt with in a suitable manner (ie, probably ignored!).
My deepest apologies. I guess I assumed that all BIOSes were
pretty much well-behaved and it seems to be restricted to some
BIOSes. Also, it probably has something to do with the fact that
those computers are running CP/M Plus, which I've heard can be
flakey at times. That's why I stick with my CP/M 2.2 stuff
(highly uprated w/ZCPR33 and stuff like that...)