Date : Sat, 23 Mar 1991 02:35:10 GMT
From :!!samsung!!! (Robert S. Ferguson)
Subject: 9600 Baud Kermit for the 128
Is there a version of Kermit for the Commodore 128 that will support 9600
baud? The c128 can support 9600, but the version of Kermit that I have
runs in the 64 mode, and only goes up to 2400 baud. Kermit is the only
file transfer program that works with my UNIX account.
By the way, I have never really used the cp/m mode of my 128, so I would
need some way of running cp/m Kermit off of Commodore formated disks. I
have no problem downloading binaries in 64 mode, except that it is very
slow. My system includes a c128, 1571 drive, and an 80 column monitor.
Thanks in advance,
Where's the KA-BOOM? | Robert Ferguson
There was supposed to be an enormous, | (or)
Earth-shattering KA-BOOM! -- Marvin Martian |