Date : Mon, 13 May 1991 13:40:15 GMT
From : prism! (MILLS,JOHN M.)
Subject: Re: KERMIT 4.11 Installation (Help Wanted)
In article <> TAGLANCE@ucs.UWPLATT.EDU
>writes jm59@prism.gatech.EDU (MILLS,JOHN M.):
>>After reading the post that KERMIT had just been re-released for
>>CP/M, I downloaded all the files that looked appropriate from
>>watsun..., and that's quite a few! About 500KB of cp*.asm and cp*.hlp,
Thanks for all the response I got on this. Eight respondents so far,
with many useful comments. I probably don't need any more advice,
until I have had time to make some more mistakes. Thanks to all.
When I get done, I'll be happy to post a note to that effect, and
send a summary then to anyone who would like it.
>From reading the rest of your post, it seems you left out the most
>important file for the moment, CPKERM.DOC. This file is the
>documentation for Kermit-80. It was also updated for the new
>release. It explains how to use kermit, and how to install it
That sounds like the best advice:
When in doubt,
>If you system is one of those supported (you never did mention
>what system you were trying to get kermit to support in your
>post) all you need to do is mload the overlay for your system
>cpxxxx.hex with the system independent file cpsker.hex. The
>mload program is available from the kermit server along with
>its documentation.
I haven't been using MLOAD or LASM. Sounds like they are worth
Ans: My system is a Z-80, SD-Systems, SBC-200 (or -300 .. I can't
remember). 256 KBy RAM, incl. 192K as a RAMDisk. All that's
generic, of course. The adaptation I meant was for my serial-
port addresses and flags (SSM-I/O4 --anyone remember SSM?), and for
the Adds Viewpoint terminal. That's a traditional, unbreakable
CP/M _boat_anchor_, in other words.
When I patched my existing Kermit source, I added conditionals for
the cursor and screen control codes, sim. to the structure for the
Superbrain, Heath, etc..
I expect I will now write a short definition file of some kind, or
patch the *.asm for some similar industry-standard terminal.
I left most of the details out here -- just wanted to say 'Thanks'
to the numerous people who responded to my request.
Regards --jmm--
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!jm59