Date : Wed, 12 Jun 1991 22:00:26 GMT
From :!uhccux!uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu! (Thomas T. Bopp)
Subject: Need info on Apple Premium Softcard //e Z80 card
I am trying to create a qterm overlay for an Apple //e which uses the
Microsoft Premium Softcard //e. This is NOT an "original" Softcard; this
model has its own 64K and built-in 80 column card.
I need to know how to call the ROM bios to read a byte from the Apple's
memory, and how to write a byte to the Apple's memory. Unfortunately,
we do not have the Programmer's Guide to this card, and nowhere can I
find any overlays (for MEX, IMP, MDM7, etc.) that could be used as a
starting point.
This is a weird card -- it does NOT share Apple memory (with offset), like
the original Softcard. If anyone can find this information in the
Programmer's Reference, or from any other source, please contact me
via email.
Any hints appreciated. Thank you.
Tom Bopp
Dept of Chemistry BITNET:tbopp@uhunix
University of Hawaii UUCP:{ihnp4,uunet,dcdwest,ucbvax}!ucsd!nosc!uhccux!tbopp
Honolulu, HI 96822 VOICE:(808)956-7463 FAX:(808)956-9508
Tom Bopp
Dept of Chemistry BITNET:tbopp@uhunix
University of Hawaii UUCP:{ihnp4,uunet,dcdwest,ucbvax}!ucsd!nosc!uhccux!tbopp