Date : Tue, 18 Jun 1991 20:45:47 GMT
From :!!pogo! (Rick Clements)
Subject: Re: Assembling & linking .MAC files ...
In article <B2Po41w164w@ijpc.UUCP> ianj@ijpc.UUCP (Ian Justman) writes:
} (David Cook) writes:
}} Hello CP/Mers,
}} I grabbed Small-C from (which mirrors SIMTEL20),
}} and it seems to run ok. My problem now is that it generates .MAC
}} files, and I'm not sure how to assemble these
}} (well, if I had DRI's MAC or RMAC I'd probably know, but I don't :)
}} I do have M80 and L80 ...
}} I would appreciate general information on those programs
}You cannot use DRI's assembler/linker assembler set. You MUST
}use the ZASM/ZLINK (like Small-C, it's PD). You should be able
}to find it on any well-stocked BBS, and it's also on SIMTEL20.
I believe you are refering to two versions of Small C. Version 1.2 (supports
float and Z80) requires ZASM/ZLINK. Veersion 2.1 (supports more control
structures and the 8080 but not float) uses a DRI like assembler. It isn't
quite like the DRI MAC or RMAC because it declares global and external symbols
Both the versions of Small C are avialable from SIMTEL-20.
Rick Clements (RickC@pogo.WV.TEK.COM)