Date : Wed, 26 Jun 1991 09:44:11 EST
From : (Dr Henry Brancik)
Subject: BASPLOT.LBR and ASMLIB.LBR uploaded to SIMTEL20
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:
BASPLOT.LBR Regression and Spline functions plot in BASIC
Given a set of experimental points the program will plot the points on either
graphics screen or graphics plotter or will write all command lines into a
data file. If required, the program will calculate regression coefficients
(8 models) or spline functions coefficients (their first and second derivati-
ves) and will plot these functions. Source code files (Microsoft BASCOM Com-
piler v.5.3) can be easily modified to suit. Literature references are given
where appropriate.
ASMLIB.LBR Library of .ASM routines and utilities
This is a collection of .asm routines which are compatible with Digital
Research macro assembler, linker and librarian (RMAC, LINK, and LIB). The
routines include miscelaneous functions (read and write clock, RAM tests,
monitor, read analogue to digital channel, etc.), screen functions, character
string functions, conversions, simple maths and numeric printing. Utilities
for manipulation of binary files, reading and writing EPROMs (27.. series),
and terminal setup utility.
Henry Brancik,
E-mail: (UNIX system)
S-nail: Univ. NSW, Sch. Fiber Sci. Technl.,
Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia.