Date : Thu, 27 Jun 1991 18:46:32 GMT
From : csusac!sactoh0!ijpc! (Ian Justman)
Subject: Re: Shugart 14" drive/ CP/M (Robert Davis) writes:
> Hello, is there anyone out there who has used a system with a Shugart
> 14" disc-drive? Anyone out there have, or know where I could obtain
> schematics for this drive? In addition, can anyone provide me with
> any suggestions as to how I can hook up one of these beasts to a
> Dynabyte CP/M system? I already have a seperate power-supply for it.
> Is the interface the same as, or similar to, that for the Shugart 8"
> floppies? Thanks, very much, in advance!
If you're talking about the DB8/1 or the DB8/2 S-100 box, I
believe you should be able to hook it straight to the box,
provided you have a controller. I have a Dynabyte DB8/1 on which
I run a Fujitsu 20 megabyte 8" drive. I have a spare 10 megabyte
if you want it. Also, by the way, if you indeed have a DB8/1 (or
DB8/2, which version of the BIOS are you running? Give me a buzz
at the number below.
|Ian Justman | The Rimmer Directive:
|6612 Whitsett Drive (USPSnet) | "Never tangle with anything that's got
|North Highlands, CA 95660-3830 | more teeth than the entire Osmond Family."
|(916) 344-5360 (AT&Tnet) |_____________________________________________