Date : Fri, 28 Jun 1991 03:45:32 GMT
From : csusac!sactoh0!ijpc! (Ian Justman)
Subject: Re: m80 & l80 (Bert Laverman) writes:
> In article <> (Way
> >zsid
> A z80 version of sid, the Symbolic Instruction Debugger. It
> can read symbol tables to get more readable output.
You'd be much better off using Z8E which, IMHO, is the best Z80
debugger I've ever tried. Besides, you get source code if you
want your own custom mods, and above all, IT'S FREE!!!!! Very
professional quality. I'm surprised that Rick Surwillo (sp?)
didn't sell it as a commercial product. It, like ZSID, is a
symbolic debugger. You can set up to 8 breakpoints (or was that
16?) and tell each breakpoint through how many calls to run
before stopping, you can bypass repetitive subroutine, and one
thing that Z8E has that ZSID does not have is animated debugging.
You may have to set up for your specific terminal, but it comes
default for ADM-3A-type terminals. It shows about 20 lines of
your code and processor status above it. And it puts a pointer
next to the instruction that is about to be executed (*BANG*
*THUD* :-) ). Plus, you can mess around with ports. I have it
on all the computers I either have or emulate a Z80 on. Yes, it
will work with Z80MU for the IBM, but I haven't tried it with
22NICE. Works well on my CompuPro 8/16's SPUZ (slave Z80 capable
of running 4 tasks concurrently) with the main system a 286
running Concurrent DOS. It is the most resilient Z80 debugger
I've ever seen. I don't know where I'd be without it!!!!
|Ian Justman |The Rimmer Directive: |
|6612 Whitsett Drive (USPSnet) |"Never tangle with anything that's got |
|North Highlands, CA 95660-3830 |more teeth than the entire Osmond Family."|
|(916) 344-5360 (AT&Tnet) |__________________________________________|
|UUCP: ...!{ames | apple | sun }!pacbell_ |
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