Date : Fri, 20 Sep 1991 06:17:13 GMT
From : wupost!!! (Filip Gieszczykiewicz)
Subject: Re: Kaypro-10 Disc Stuck
In article <> (Justin
Harlow) writes:
>I have a Kaypro-10 which was working fine when I stuck it in the closet
>about a year ago. When I had occasion to resuscitate it recently, I
>found to my dismay that the hard disc would not spin up. It makes a
>couple of muffled "clunk" sounds when I power it up, but that's it. The
>computer is OK, because I can boot it from floppies, but needless to
>say, the HD has 99.9% of my files on it (I know, I know... backups :-(
>Anyway, does anyone out here know of a way to jumpstart the disc short
>of physical destruction? I looked for little holes and tool access
>ports but found nothing obvious. Any suggestions would be greatly
>appreciated. If I get it going, I will probably soon post a "Kaypro 10
>for sale" ad, so the person who solves the problem gets a good
Greetings. Wow, another Kaypro 10 user! I got mine for $10 WORKING! -
I don't think you will give me a discound _that_ good! :-)
Anyways, I have a drive just like that in my IBM XT. It's a 20MB
28ms deal and instead of tossing it, I drilled a hole in the computer
case, took off the static strap, made a handy-dandy "crank", and
everyday, before turning on the power, I spin it up - MANUALLY!
It brings a new meaning to the saying:
"The XT is to PC's what Model T was to cars" ;-)
SERIOUSLY, what you need to do is this:
Take off the screws, 2 on top, 4 on each side (phillips).
Take out the hard disk controller card (4 screws) - remember
how the cables go!
Take out the floppy drive (4? screws from bottom)
Take off cables from floppy drive and hard drive - same for power.
Take out the 4 screws from the bottom that hold the HD cage.
Disconnect the 80-pin ribbon cable.
Take out the 4 screws that hold the HD in metal box.
On the PCB side, in the middle of the board, there should be
a metal strap (grounding) - if there is a screw, take it out,
if not, just bend the metal.
HERE IT IS: With a small screwdriver, spin the "wheel" a few revs.
I'm serious, this is the only way on the K10.
In my PC, I just installed the drive up side down and took off
the grounding strip completely. The hole in the case is aligned with
the hole that was left when I took the carbon "plug" out. The plug
is used as a bearing for the contact area where the static strap
touches the spinning motor. I just insert the crank, crank it a
few times, and hit the BIG RED SWITCH and it boots just fine - as
it has for 1+1/2 years!
Take care.
P.S. So, what's the deal on NEVER mounting a hard drive up side down?
I put over 1,000 hours on mine (with thre above problem) :-)
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Did you hear? Some Poles burned the Russian flag near the Soviet embassy,
in Poland. :-) :-) "Nothing is impossible if you don't have to do it yourself."