Date : Tue, 15 Oct 1991 09:06:06 GMT
From :!!wupost!!csusac!sactoh0!ijpc!ianj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ian Justman)
Subject: Re: HELP!! on Research Paper writes:
> P.S.:Maybe you know someone still at Digital Research who could help me with
> references, or could arrange a set of CP/M manuals? Please, pass it
> along.
Good luck, my friend, and may the Force be with you. DRI is in
the process of being bought out by Novell, and they probably
don't (and won't) give a rat's posterior about CP/M. If I'm not
TERRIBLY mistaken, nor does DRI as it now stands. And that is
royally sad.
Ian Justman | ...!{ames|apple|sun}!pacbell_
6612 Whitsett Drive | ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!csusac____|-!sactoh0!ijpc!ianj
North Highlands, CA 95660| "Great. The Garden of Eden with land mines."
(916) 344-5360 | --Captain James T. Kirk, "The Apple"