Date : Tue, 21 Apr 1992 15:33:09 GMT
From : prism!! (Bob Baggerman)
Subject: WANTED: Z80 disassembler
Sorry if this is a FAQ and sorry if these news groups aren't the most
appropriate place for this question but it was the closest fit I could
I need to find a disassembler for some Z80 code sitting in a system with
no documentation. I have looked in a few magazines like Circuit Cellar,
etc. without much luck. Can anyone recommend a source for either a
software-only disassembler or an in-circuit-emulator which includes
disassembly capability. I need to end up with a source listing that I can
then document (for future generations, presumably). Money is no (well, it
actually always is but..) object.
Thanx in advance and sorry again for the sort of poor fit between my
question and the major "theme" of the news group. But I'm desperate!
Bob Baggerman
Bob Baggerman !
Communications Laboratory !
Georgia Tech Research Institute !
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA ! 404-894-3525 or 404-528-7660
End of INFO-CPM Digest V92 Issue #31