Date : Thu, 14 May 1992 07:55:30 GMT
From : (Mark W. Eichin)
Subject: Re: CP/M Emulator for Unix Version 0.920
>>>from: darcy@druid.uucp (D'Arcy J.M. Cain)
>>I have a new version of my CP/M emulator ready. It isn't perfect yet (this
>>is a really low priority) so I haven't given it a version of 1.00 yet. I
>>sent mail to Mark Eichen who was kind enough to make previous versions
>>available but haven't heard from him about this one yet. I just resent
>>mail to him but in the meantime if someone else would also like to make
>>it available just send me mail. I don't have direct ftp access but I
>>can get it to sites who would be willing to make it available.
D'Arcy: I got your earlier mail, and replied; I've attempted
to reply to your most recent message as well. Druid doesn't seem to be
in the UUCP maps at (our major uucp gateway) so
hopefully the explicit return path worked. If not, and you see this
posting, just email the code directly to me and I'll put it up.
_Mark_ <>
MIT Student Information Processing Board