Date : Fri, 12 Jun 1992 19:11:11 GMT
From : van-bc!ubc-cs!destroyer!!!!!wpi.WPI.EDU!penny.WPI.EDU!ear@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric A Rasmussen)
Subject: Re: Where's tetris for CP/M ?
In article <> (Kentt{l{ Marko)
>I know there's PD tetris for CP/M but where to look for it ???
I've got it. I don't remember where from, though. Any good suggestions on
how I could make it publically available?
+---------< Eric A. Rasmussen - Mr. Neat-O (tm) >---------+ +< Email Address >+
| A real engineer never reads the instructions first. | | |
| (They figure out how it works by playing with it.) | | |
+---------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+
((( In Stereo Where Available )))
End of INFO-CPM Digest V92 Issue #48