Date : Wed, 08 Jul 1992 19:30:07 GMT
From : ucsu!spot.Colorado.EDU! (SAASTAD OLE)
Subject: UUCP
I want UUCP that run under CP/M. I have a Ampro little board, z80.
Its run CP/M 2.2 . I have a 2400 modem, and would like to use UUCP,
or at least mail. I have accsess to a unix workstaion that run tcpip
and uucp. Does there exist any uucp or any mail program for cp/m ?
Please respond by email.
Or maybe better, does there exist a unix clone that run on z80 ?
Limited to 2x400kB disk and 64 kB memory ?
Ole W Saastad
P.t. University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
End of INFO-CPM Digest V92 Issue #63