Date : Mon, 31 Aug 1992 15:42:00 MDT
From : "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: WANTED: Bit shift method for XMODEM packet check sum.
If you *really* meant "checksum," there is no algorithm - you simply
total the bytes of the packet and ignore the overflow, and the result
is the (8-bit) checksum. But, nobody should be using "xmodem"
transfers with simple checksums; they should be using 16-bit CRCs at a
minimum. (Idealy, they should be using the zmodem protocol with
32-bit CRCs.)
If you want to see how checksums and both types of CRCs are handled in
C, get a hold of a copy of the sources to RZ/SZ. We have an anonymous
ftpable set in PD8:<MISC.ZMODEM> here.
End of INFO-CPM Digest V92 Issue #89