Date : Fri, 04 Sep 1992 05:20:34 GMT
From :!!rpi!usc!wupost!!!actrix!naos!ewen@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ewen McNeill)
Subject: Re: 720K 5-1/4" diskettes (Francis J Park) writes:
> Can't you just use standard 1.2MB floppies on a 720k drive?
> It seems since the media is the same, it should work.
If it were, you could. But it isn't.
1.2MB floppies are High Density. 720K floppies are Quad Density. 360K
floppies are Double Density. Now it turns out that the media currently
used in 360K floppies copes with 720K format (more tracks, no higher bit
density in the track) better than 1.2M floppies (which expect a higher
bit density in the track).
I've had better results with 360K floppies than I've had with 1.2MB
ones, and they're cheaper too :-)
> Francis Park, Johns Hopkins (History) '94 Internet: killer@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.ed
Ewen McNeill, (or