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Date   : Tue, 17 Nov 1992 19:04:08 GMT
From   : eru.mt.luth.se!lunic!sunic!dkuug!daimi!lhp@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Lasse Hiller|e Petersen)
Subject: Re: Turbo Pascal for a Kaypro II

sage@LL.MIT.EDU (Jay Sage) writes:
>   It was nice of someone in a recent posting to recommend my wife's
>company, Sage Microsystems East, as a source for Turbo Pascal for CP/M. 
>Unfortunately, that product is no longer available.  After Borland declined
>to renew Alpha Software's license, Bill Roch (Elliam Associates) and I tried
>to convince them to release the software in some form (such as licenses to
>other distributors), but they refused.  This is a real shame, because Turbo
>Pascal is still an excellent product.  If Borland finds it too much trouble
>to count the small sums of money a license could bring in (for no work on
>their part at all), the least they could do is release the product to the
>public domain.

This sounds as the same problem the Macintosh community has with Borland's
Reflex database.

But perhaps some of you know that Borland _bought_ Turbo Pascal from a Danish
company called PolyData. While Borland was selling the compiler under the
name "Turbo Pascal" in the USA and elsewhere, it what still being sold in
Denmark as COMPAS Pascal. Borland furnished it with a better (WordStar-like)
Editor, which eventually appeared in COMPAS Pascal version 3.
(I still prefer the extremely simple editor in COMPAS Pascal v.2.20 ;-)
COMPAS Pascal was also available for CP/M-86 and Concurrent-CP/M.
(It was popular in the late 80's for use with the Regnecentralen Piccoline
computers -- with the 80186 CPU -- used at many schools in Denmark.)

Maybe it is worth investigating whether PolyData still holds the rights on
COMPAS Pascal?

Lasse Hiller|e Petersen - lhp@daimi.aau.dk !  /*] Once upon a time at 2:30 in
Department of Information & Media Science  ! /*<  the afternoon, there lived
Aarhus University                          !/* *\ a wise&benevolent&wonderful
Denmark                                    ! L L  wizard who wore a big hat...

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