Date : Mon, 11 Jan 1993 02:45:18 GMT
From :!ariel.ucs.unimelb.EDU.AU!!hal9000!monty!bean! (Nick Gibbs)
Subject: Re: diseased Kaypro/Wordstar (JOHN FARMER) writes:
> I have a Kaypro 4'84, and I'm using Wordstar 4.0, and I have a problem
> somewhere. I keep looking part of 'large-files'. What's happening is that
> parts of files are disappearing only to be replaced with other (duplicate)
> parts of the same file.
> The first times it happened, I was working on a large file on a full disk,
> and I just assumed that when I had tried to save, and there wasn't room, that
> Wordstar got lost when it stopped to tell me there wasn't any room and I had
> to delete stuff to continue. The latest time it happened, I was working on
> a much smaller file on a virtually empty disk. (and to make it worse,
> I was dutifully saving every so often, so there was no backup file to
> get the data from. I lost about 2-3 hours of work.)
This rings a bell. I remember having trouble with WS4 when editing large
files on a floppy based machine. Especially when inserting a block from
another file. Parts of the file would disappear and other parts get scrambled.
I came to the conclusion that the code just isn't as stable as previous
versions. Unfortunately I can't reproduce this problem using my CP/M
emulator (MYZ80) on the IBM clone, which runs CP/M 3.0. It's as stable as
a rock.