Harston Advanced

Disk Filing System

Reference Manual

A Companion Manual to the HADFS Software for the BBC series of micros.

J.G.Harston Sheffield Harston Advanced Disk Filing System Reference Manual. Copyright (C) 1990-2012, J.G.Harston. ISBN 1-899366-40-7 First edition December 1994 Second edition September 1995 Third edition September 2006 Fourth edition April 2012

The right of J.G.Harston to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Parts of this printed book may be copied for private reference or study, but the whole printed book may not be copied or stored by any means whether mechanical, photographical or electronic without the prior written consent of the publisher. This copyright restriction is waived in respect of the text files of this manual supplied with HADFS software so long as no attempt is made to pass off the said work as anything other than the work of the author.

Within this text, the following terms: Econet, Electron and Tube are registered trademarks of Acorn Computers Ltd. BBC refers to the British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC Micro, Master 128 and Master Compact refer to the computers manufactured by Acorn Computers Ltd. CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research Inc. MSDOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. HADFS refers to the Harston Advanced Disk Filing System. BBC BASIC(86) and BBC BASIC(Z80) are products supplied by M-TEC Computer Services and (C)R.T.Russell. Solidisk is a trademark of Solidisk Technology Ltd.

While every effort is made to ensure that the information given here and the accompanying software is accurate, no warrenty is given or should be implied as to the suitability of the advice or programs for any application of situation. No liability can be accepted for any consequential loss or damage, however caused, arising as a result of using the software of the advice given in this book.

Special editions of this publication such as large type, loose leaf, Library bound, etc., are available. Contact the publisher for details.

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Published by J.G.Harston 70 Camm Street Walkley, Sheffield S6 3TR.


1 Introduction 1

2 The filing system 5

3 Filing system commands 13

4 Low level file entry points 25 OSFILE 25 OSARGS 27 OSBGET 28 OSBPUT 28 OSGBPB 29 OSFIND 31 FSCV 31 OSWORD 32 OSBYTE 33

5 The filing system utilities 37 BACKUP 38 COMPACT 38 Rescue 39 HUtils 39 HEdit 41 DMap 41 VisCompact 41 Intern/s 41 DemoGbPb 42 DemoArgs 42 TreeCopy 42 XTree 43 MakeLP 44 *lpS 46 Scroll 46

6 Error messages 49

7 HADFS programming examples 67

8 HADFS technical information 55

9 HADFS as an Econet environment 65

10 Biblography 81

Index 83