Chapter 10 : Machine Code Reference Section =========================================== BBC MOS Interface This section is intended as a full and detailed handbook of the machine code interface to the network filing system. It covers the filing system interface, which is (in theory at least) the same as the interface to disc, tape or any other filing system. It also covers the network communication functions which are network specific. The section assumes knowledge of the BBC operating system, BASIC (including the indirection operators - see chapter 39 of the BBC User Guide), assembler and control blocks. Because this section is a reference section, it is not necessary to understand all of it at once. Instead it should be possible to look up a certain call as it is needed. Network Versions ---------------- There are three main Network filing system ROMs available for the BBC computer. These are: NFS version 3.34 NFS version 3.60 Advanced NFS (Only available for the Master, Econet Terminal & Compact) (see OSARGS A=2 Y=0 and *HELP for testing the version) Although they are intended to control the same operations there are some important differences. Because all versions are common, programs should be written so that they will work on all. Memory Addresses ---------------- The filing system assumes that addresses in a remote or local machine are 4 bytes long. For a normal BBC computer this means that the top 16 bits are not relevant, but when a 2nd processor is used only the address &FFFFxxxx specifies the I/O processor. For the 6502 2nd processor the address &0000xxxx specifies the language processor. In general if the I/O processor is the intended destination then &FFFFxxxx should always be used. Unless otherwise specified, multi-byte numbers are stored low byte first. For computers with shadow screen memory, (eg Acorn Master and Acorn Econet Terminal) the I/O processor memory is located at address &FFFFxxxx and the screen RAM is located at address &FFFExxxx. Calling Operating System Routines --------------------------------- These routines handle all the input and output to the Econet system. All routines require the Decimal flag (D) to be clear on entry. The Interrupt flag (I) is always preserved (but interrupts may be enabled during the call). Some operating system routines require a control block; a small area of memory set up to hold the parameters to be used by the routine. An area of memory must be preserved for the control block, filled with the parameters you want, and pointers to the area given to the routine. The information for most calls is described here in the form of a control block. The number on the left hand side is refering to the offset from the start of the control block. To set up a control block an area of memory should be reserved before the call is performed. It is simple to use the BASIC indirection operators to set up the values in the control block. The program listed below performs a peek (i.e. a transfer of data from the memory of a remote machine to the memory of the local machine) by using the following control block: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &81 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | local buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of | | local buffer | 12 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | remote machine's buffer | 16 +-----------------------------+ 10 DIM blk% 15 :REM Reserve a block of data 20 INPUT "Station: "station% 30 blk%?0=&81 :REM Control byte for peek 40 blk%?1=0 :REM Port number for immediate operation 50 blk%!2=station% :REM Insert station number 60 blk%!4=&FFFF7C00 :REM Start of MODE 7 screen (not scrolled) 70 blk%!8=&FFFF8000 :REM End of MODE 7 80 blk%!12=&FFFF7C00 :REM Start of MODE 7 in remote machine 90 100 X%=blk% :REM X points to low byte 110 Y%=X% DIV 256 :REM Y points to high byte 120 A%=&10 :REM Set accumulator 130 CALL &FFF1 :REM Call OSWORD Note that the above program does not check that the transmit operation worked. For a complete description of the peek operation see sections 10.9 and 10.14. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-1 SJresearch Summary of all calls for Econet =============================== Name Call Address Section Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSGBPB &FFD1 10.1 Read/write group of bytes to a file, read user's environment OSFIND &FFCE 10.2 Open/close file for random access OSBGET &FFD7 10.3 Get byte from file (Use OSGBPB if possible) OSBPUT &FFD4 10.4 Write byte to file (Use OSGBPB if possible) OSARGS &FFDA 10.5 Read/write file's arguments (using a handle) OSFILE &FFDD 10.6 Read/write file's arguments OSCLI &FFF7 10.7 Send string to command line interpreter OSWORD &FFF1 10.8 Network Specific commands 10.9 Transmit data (A=&10) 10.10 Receive data (A=&11) 10.11 Read arguments (A=&12) 10.12 Read/write station information (A=&13) 10.13 Send to File Server (A=&14) OSBYTE &FFF4 10.14 Poll transmission and reception 10.15 Transmitting 10.16 Receiving 10.17 Port numbers 10.18 The Bridge 10.19 Printers 10.20 The File Server Interface 10.21 Password entry format 10.22 Application Notes 10.23 Netmon 10.24 Econet Protocols 10.25 Network Communications Protocols 10.1 OSGBPB Call Summary ========================================================================== Entry point: &FFD1 Indirected via &21A On entry -------- A =Reason code YX points to a control block 13 bytes long. Do not put the control block in page zero. There is a bug in NFS 3.34 such that OSGBPB will not work at all if this is done. Value in A Function A=1 Write block using offset A=2 Write block ignoring offset A=3 Read block using offset A=4 Read block ignoring offset A=5 Read currently selected disc title and boot option A=6 Read directory A=7 Read library A=8 Read specified number of file names On exit ------- A = Return code indicating whether the requested function is supported by the currently selected filing system. If A=0 then the operation was attempted. A is returned unchanged if that function is not available. YX undefined. Control block is modified on completion. On some filing systems the carry flag is set on reaching the end of the file/directory, this should not be relied on. To write software that is compatible with all filing systems the only method of finding whether all the files have been read is to look at the contents of (control block + 5). Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-2 SJresearch Write data giving offset OSGBPB A=1 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call writes a block of data from RAM to a file, specifying where in the file to put the bytes. On entry -------- A=1 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Address of data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes to transfer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Offset in file | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- The sequential pointer (PTR#) will have been updated to point immediately beyond the last byte written. If the operation succeeded the control block is: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Old Address + Number of | | bytes transfered | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes not | | transfered (should=0) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Old offset + | | Number of bytes transfered | 13 +-------------------------------+ Example ------- The procedure below uses this call to write a string to the file opened as handle%. DEF PROCwrite_string(handle%,$data%,offset%) LOCAL A%,X%,Y% blk%?0=handle% blk%!1=data% blk%!5=LEN($data%) blk%!9=offset% X%=blk% Y%=X% DIV 256:A%=1 IF (USR(osgbpb) AND &FF)<>0 THENPROCsimulate_osgbpb(blk%) ENDPROC The procedure below can be used on systems that do not support OSGBPB (e.g.TAPE). DEF PROCsimulate_osgbpb(blk%) LOCAL I% PTR#?blk%=blk%!9 FOR I%=blk%!1 TO blk%!1+blk%!5 BPUT#?blk%,?I% NEXT ENDPROC The following program uses the above procedure to create a file called 'filename' and write two strings to it. 10 DIM data% 255 :REM Maximum size of my string (actually 256 bytes) 20 DIM blk% 12 :REM My control block 30 osgbpb=&FFD1 50 out_ch%=OPENOUT"Filename" 60 PROCwrite_string(out_ch%,"This is a test",0) 70 PROCwrite_string(out_ch%,"Another piece of text",&22A) 80 CLOSE#out_ch% 90 END Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE, ROM or some non-Acorn DFS. Note that on the Acorn File Server a write beyond the end of the file will give an EOF (end of file) error. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-3 SJresearch Write data OSGBPB A=2 ========================================================================== General Description ------------------- This call writes a block of data to a file using the current pointer (i.e. the value returned by PTR#). On entry -------- A =2 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Address of data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes to transfer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- The sequential pointer (PTR#) will have been updated to point immediately beyond the last byte written. If the operation succeeded the control block is: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Old Address + Number of | | bytes transfered | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes not | | transfered (should=0) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Corrupt | 13 +-------------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM or some non-Acorn DFS. Read Data giving offset OSGBPB A=3 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads a block of data from a file into RAM, from a specified offset in the file (i.e. ignoring PTR#). On reaching the end of the file the carry flag (C) is set, and the amount of data not transferred is returned in the control block. An EOF (End of file) error will be returned if the offset is past the end of the file. If the offset of a file is equal to the extent, then no bytes will be transferred. A=3 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Location to put data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes to transfer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Offset in file | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- If the operation was successful the control block is: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Old Location + Number of | | bytes transfered | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes not | | transfered (should=0) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Old offset + | | Number of bytes transfered | 13 +-------------------------------+ The number of bytes not transferred will be zero unless the end of file has been reached; in which case all bytes from the offset up to the end of the file will have been transferred, and the number not transferred is the difference between the number originally asked for and the number actually transferred. Note that an area of memory large enough to hold the entire quantity of data asked for will always be corrupted, so it is inefficient to request many more bytes than are expected to be available. NFS 3.60 does NOT return the correct result for EOF# after this call. The only way of checking to see if the End Of File has been reached, is to read the result from the control block (bytes 5-8 inc.). Compatability between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM or some non-Acorn DFS. Note that the Acorn DFS does not corrupt more memory than is required to hold the data loaded, whereas the NFS will always transfer the amount of data requested. Therefore programs which request more bytes than there is memory space to hold may work on the DFS but crash with NFS. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-4 SJresearch Read Data OSGBPB A=4 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads a block of data to a file, at the position given by the sequential pointer (PTR#). On entry -------- A =4 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Location to put data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes to transfer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | No data needed but will be | | modified | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- If the operation was successful the control block is: 0 +-------------------------------+ | File Handle | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Old Location + Number of | | bytes transfered | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of bytes not | | transfered (should=0) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Corrupt | 13 +-------------------------------+ Number of bytes not transferred and memory corruption as for OSGBPB A=3. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE on ROM or some non-Acorn DFS. Note that not all filing systems return C=1 to indicate that the end of file has been reached. It is strongly recommended that to find whether the end of file has been read the number of bytes not transferred is checked for a non-zero value. Read CS disc name OSGBPB A=5 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns your currently selected disc name and your boot option. On entry -------- A =5 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | xxx | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Address where data will be | | loaded | 5 +-------------------------------+ | xxx | 9 +-------------------------------+ | xxx | 13 +-------------------------------+ xxx indicates that no parameter is required. On exit ------- C undefined. The control block address pointer is updated by the number of bytes transfered. The address pointed to by the control block is modified as shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Length of disk title (n) | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Disk title (max 16 | | characters) | (n+1) +-------------------------------+ | Your boot option as set by | | *OPT4 | (n+2) +-------------------------------+ The disc name is normally 16 characters padded with spaces. It is possible for the disc name to have spaces as significant characters, e.g. 'Wombat 2' (although on the network it would not be possible to use this name). Therefore to read the disc title the name should be read backwards, stripping off spaces until the first non-space character. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Some filing systems do not update the control block. Some filing systems return the disk title the exact length without space padding. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-5 SJresearch Read CSD name OSGBPB A=6 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns your currently selected directory name. On entry, A =6 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Address to put the data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 13 +-------------------------------+ There is a bug in NFS version 3.34 which sometimes causes the error 'No reply'. To get around this problem the following fix should be used before calling OSGBPB. .fix_bug LDA #2:LDY #0:JSR &FFDA \ Call OSARGS to read version of NFS CMP #2:BNE not required \ Fix not required if not version 3.34 LDX #block MOD 256 \ Fix NFS workspace by writing LDY #block DIV 256 \ a &CB to location &B8 LDA #6:JSR &FFF1 \ OSWORD to write to I/O processor .not_required (Rest of the code) .block EQUD &FFFF00B8 \ Write &CB to location &FFFF00B8 EQUB &CB N.B. It is essential that the version is checked before modifying this location, because it cannot be guaranteed that the use of this location will not change. On exit ------- The address pointed to by the control block is modified as shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Length of drive number(v)=0 | | on NFS | 1 +-------------------------------+ | ASCII coded drive number | | This field is not present | | on NFS | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Length of directory name (n) | | (Usually 10 characters) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Directory name | | (Usually 10 characters) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Ownership | | (0=Owner, &FF=Public) | 9 +-------------------------------+ The directory title may be padded with spaces. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-5 SJresearch Example ------- The following program will print out the currently selected directory, and drive number, on all filing systems that support the call. 10 REM Read currently selected directory name 20 REM This program is compatible with all filing systems 30 REM (C) A.J.Engeham, SJ Research 40 REM_____________________________________________________ 50 60 osgbpb=&FFD1 70 DIM blk% 17,buffer% 100 80 blk%?0=0 90 blk%!1=buffer% 100 blk%!5=0 110 blk%!9=0 120 X%=blk%:Y%=X% DIV 256 130 A%=6 140 IF (USR(osgbpb) AND &FF)=6 THEN P."Not supported":END 150 pos%=0 160 PROCread("Current drive number is : ") 170 PROCread("Currently selected directory is : ") 180 END 190 200DEF PROCread(string$) 210 LOCAL V%,result$,I% 220 V%=buffer%?pos% 230 pos%=pos%+1 240 IF V%=0 THEN ENDPROC 250 FOR I%=pos% TO pos%+V%-1 260 result$=result$+CHRS(I%?buffer%) 270 NEXT 280 pos%=pos%+V% 290 PRINTstring$;result$ 300ENDPROC Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Note that early versions of ADFS do not return the ownership byte. Some filing systems do not update the control block. Read LIB name OSGBPB A=7 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns your currently selected Library. On entry -------- A =7 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Address to put the data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- The address pointed to by the control block is modified as shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Length of drive number (v)=0 | | on NFS | 1 +-------------------------------+ | ASCII coded drive number | | This field is not present | | on NFS | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Length of Library name (n) | | (Usually 10 characters) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Library name | | (Usually 10 characters) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Ownership | | (0=Owner, &FF=Public) | 9 +-------------------------------+ Example ------- See OSGBPB with A=6. The Library name may be padded with spaces. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Some filing systems do not update the control block. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-7 SJresearch Read objects OSGBPB A=8 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads file/directory names from your currently selected directory. On entry -------- A =8 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Location to put the data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Maximum number of file | | names to transfer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Which file to start on | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- The control block is modified as shown below. 0 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Pointer to the end of data | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Number of files NOT | | transfered | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Which file to ask for next | 13 +-------------------------------+ The file names may be padded with spaces. 0 +-------------------------------+ | Length of filename (n) | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Filename | (n+1) +-------------------------------+ | Length of filename | | (if asked for) | (n+2) +-------------------------------+ | Filename | +-------------------------------+ | . | | . | | . | +-------------------------------+ Example ------- The program shown below will print out all the file names of your currently selected directory. Note that, because the starting file is the first one in the directory, this program will produce the same results for the Disc Filing System as the Network Filing System. DIM blk% 13,buffer% 20 blk%!9=0 :REM Start at the first file REPEAT blk%?0=0 :REM Cycle number returned here blk%!l=buffer% blk%!5=l :REM Number of files to read X%=blk%:Y%=blk% DIV 256 A%=8:CALL &FFD1 IF blk%!5=0 THEN ?(buffer%+l+buffer%?0)=13:PRINT $(buffer%+l) UNTIL blk%!5=1 Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Entry number are not guaranteed to be sequential; the only value which should be used in general are 0 and values returned by a previous call. The carry flag is NOT valid on exit. The DFS is misleading in this respect, although C happens to be significant on DFS systems, it is not an official Acorn feature. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-8 SJresearch 10.2 OSFIND Call Summary ========================================================================== Entry point: &FFCE Indirected via &21C On entry -------- A=Type of operation. On exit ------- A=file handle if successful. A=0 not possible to open file. C,N,V,Z are undefined. Contents of control block are preserved. Value in A Function A=0 Close file specified by Y register A=&40 Open file for input A=&80 Open file for output (i.e. create new file deleting old file) A=&C0 Open file for update (i.e. input and output). Close files OSFIND A=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- If Y=0 then the call closes all open files but will not close directory context handles. If Y<>0 then the call closes the file handle, or context handle, held in Y. This call is called by CLOSE#Y in BASIC. On entry -------- A=0 Y=handle to close (0 to close all files) On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on all filing systems. Y=0 does not work on some versions of Master DFS, as it does not inform the MOS that any open EXEC file has closed. A fix is to ensure *EXEC or *FX119 (close SPOOL and EXEC files) is used before using CLOSE#0. Indiscriminate use of CLOSE#0 is bad programming practice and should be avoided. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-9 SJresearch Open file for input OSFIND A=&40 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Returns a handle for a file whose name is in memory, pointed to by YX. This handle can then be used for reading bytes from that file. The handle can also be used as a context handle to describe your environment on your File Server. This call is called by the BASIC 2 keyword OPENIN. On entry -------- A=&40 YX point to a control block containing a string terminated by a carriage return (&OD). On exit ------- A=file handle if successful A=0 if unable to open file X,Y undefined C,N,V,Z undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on all filing systems. Open file for output OSFIND A=&80 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Create a file with the name given at memory address YX and returns a handle for that file. The file is opened for writing. Any previous file of that name is deleted. This is called by the BASIC keyword OPENOUT. On entry -------- A=&80 YX point to a filename terminated by a carriage return (&OD). On exit ------- A=file handle if successful A=0 if unable to open file X,Y undefined C,N,V,Z undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on ROM, or any other read only filing systems. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-10 SJresearch Open file for update OSFIND A=&C0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Returns a handle for a file whose name is pointed to by YX. The file is opened for both reading and writing. This is called by the BASIC 2 keyword OPENUP and the BASIC 1 keyword OPENIN. On entry -------- A=&C0 YX point to a control block terminated by a carriage return (&OD). On exit ------- A=file handle if successful A=0 if unable to open file X,Y undefined C,N,V,Z undefined Example ------- The example shows how to OPENUP a file for BASIC 1 and BASIC 2. DIM dummy% 80 $dummy%="" INPUT "Filename : "dummy$ PRINT FNopenup(dummy$) END DEF FNopenup($dummy%) LOCAL A%,X%,Y% X%=dummy% Y%=dummy% DIV 256 A%=&C0 = (USR(&FFCE) AND &FF) Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on ROM. TAPE treats the open for update as an open for output (i.e. OSFIND with A=&80). 10.3 OSBGET Read Byte ========================================================================== Entry point: &FFD7 Indirected via &216 General description ------------------- This call reads one byte from a file, using a handle returned from an OSFIND call. The file pointer (PTR#) is incremented. On entry -------- Y=file handle On exit ------- X,Y preserved If successful A=byte retrieved from file, C=0 If the end of the file is reached A=254, C=1 If an attempt to read past the end of file is made, an 'EOF' error will be returned. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on all filing systems. Although this call is supported on the Econet it is very slow on unbuffered systems; it is essential that wherever possible OSGBPB is used. This is because the file server takes time to process each byte, and time is taken to send each byte across the network; if the file server (if it isn't one of our multitasking file servers) is processing someone else's command your machine will wait in the mean time. If *PUTGET is active, or your machine has ANFS, then the indirection vector will be modified so that the data is read from the fileserver using OSGBPB, and later retrieved from a buffer in memory. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-11 SJresearch 10.3 OSBPUT Write Byte ========================================================================== Entry point: &FFD4 Indirected via &218 General description ------------------- This call puts one byte to a file, using a handle returned from an OSFIND call. The file pointer (PTR#) is incremented On entry -------- Y=file handle A=byte to put On exit ------- A,X,Y are preserved N,V,Z,C are undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on all filing systems except ROM, and other read only filing systems. Although this call is supported on the Econet it is very slow on unbuffered systems; it is essential that wherever possible OSGBPB is used. This is because the file server takes time to process each byte, and time is taken to send each byte across the network; if the file server (if it isn't one of our multitasking file servers) is processing someone else's command your machine will wait in the mean time. If *PUTGET is active, or your machine has ANFS, then the indirection vector will be modified so that the data is read from the fileserver using OSGBPB, and later retrieved from a buffer in memory. 10.3 OSARGS Call Summary ========================================================================== Entry point &FFDA Indirects via &214 On entry -------- Value in Y Value in A Function Y=0 A=0 Return filing system number Y=0 A=1 Return rest of command line Y=0 A=2 Return version of NFS ROM Y=0 A=3 Return libfs filing system number Y=0 A=4 Return disk space used Y=0 A=5 Return disk free space Y=0 A=&FD Y=0 A=&FE Y=0 A=&FF Ensure all files are up to date on the media Y<>0 A=0 Read sequential pointer Y<>0 A=1 Write sequential pointer Y<>0 A=2 Read extent of file Y<>0 A=3 Write extent of file (ANFS only) Y<>0 A=4 Read current amount of space allocated to file (ANFS only) Y<>0 A=5 Read EOF Y<>0 A=6 Ensure size of open file Y<>0 A=7 Y<>0 A=8 Y<>0 A=&80 Read internal information (ANFS only) Y<>0 A=&FD Y<>0 A=&FE Y<>0 A=&FF Ensure file is up to date on the media On exit ------- A=0 if the operation supported (except A=0, Y=0) otherwise A is preserved X,Y are preserved C,N,V,Z are undefined Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-11 SJresearch Return Filing System Number OSARGS A=0 Y=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This calls returns, in A, the number of your current filing system. On entry -------- A=0 Y=0 On exit ------- A=filing system number X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined Value in A Meaning 0 No current filing system 1 Cassette, 1200 baud 2 Cassette, 300 baud 3 ROM 4 Disc 5 NFS 6 Teletext/Prestel 7 IEEE 8 Advanced Disc 9 Host 10 VFS Video disc 12 Acacia RAM 16 HADFS To select filing system 'n' use OSBYTE with A=&8F, X=&12, Y=n. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on all filing systems. Acorn DFS 0.90 does not respond to OSBYTE &8F to select the filing system. End of line parameter OSARGS A=1 Y=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call set the zero page locations (pointed to by X on entry to the call) to point to the parameter at the end of the last command line. Unfortunately, there is a bug in version 3.34 of the NFS ROM such that the call returns the pointer pointing to the text immediately after the last *. For example, in the command line '********VIEW 23' it would point to the 'V' in VIEW. On all other filing systems that support this call, and later versions of the NFS ROM, the call returns the pointer pointing to the '2' in the 23. On entry -------- A=1 Y=0 X=Zero page location On exit ------- A=0 if call supported otherwise A is preserved. X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined Example ------- The program below shows a typical method of getting round the problem with different versions of the NFS. osargs=&FFDA .error BRK EQUB 220 \ Error number for 'Syntax' EQUS "Syntax: ":BRK \ Your error message \ 'entry' is the start address .entry LDA #1:LDY #0:LDX #zp \ zp is a zero page location JSR osargs \ Get command line LDY #0:LDA #0:JSR osargs \ Find what filing system CMP #5:BNE new_nfs \ It's o.k. if not NFS LDA #2:LDY #0:JSR osargs \ Read version of NFS \ (See OSARGS A=2 Y=0) CMP #2:BNE new_nfs \ Branch if the NFS is >3.34 .loop1 INY:LDA (zp),Y CMP #&0D:BEQ error \ If no parameter supplied then error CMP #ASC" ":BNE loop1 \ Repeat until space is found .loop2 INY:LDA (zp),Y CMP #ASC" ":BEQ loop2 \ Deal with spaces between \ command and parameter .new_nfs \ Your program starts here! \ Next character is at (zp),Y The above program will only work if executed in the I/O processor. If this is to be tube compatible then the block of memory, holding the end of the command line parameter, must be transferred across the tube. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-13 SJresearch Version of NFS OSARGS A=2 Y=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns the version of NFS ROM. On entry -------- A=2 Y=0 On exit ------- A=Version of NFS X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined Value in A Meaning A=1 ANFS, NFS version 3.40 or greater A=2 NFS version 3.34 or call not supported Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on NFS only. If you are trying to write programs which are to be compatible on all filing systems then you must check to see if the current filing system is the network (OSARGS with A=0, Y=0) before issuing this call For example, if the call is being used to get around the bugs in NFS version 3.34 then first check the filing system, if the filing system is not network then do not use this call, because the result of the call will be A=2 (call not supported). Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-11 SJresearch Return libfs filing system number OSARGS A=3 Y=0 ========================================================================== Return disk space used OSARGS A=4 Y=0 ========================================================================== Return disk free space OSARGS A=5 Y=0 ========================================================================== Read internal info OSARGS A=&FD Y=0 ========================================================================== Return last drive number used OSARGS A=&FE Y=0 ========================================================================== Update all files OSARGS A=&FF Y=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Ensures that any data for all open files held temporarily in RAM is transferred to disc. Useful in programs which may run for many hours and do not wish to risk losing data if the power fails etc. On entry -------- A=&FF Y=0 X ignored On exit ------- A=0 if operation successful, otherwise A=&FF X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Although this call is supported on the standard version of the NFS ROM the call has no effect because the data will always be up to date on the file server, this is not the case with the ANFS ROM because OSBGET and OSBPUT are buffered internally. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-12 SJresearch Read PTR# OSARGS A=0 Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Read the sequential pointer (PTR#) leaving the result in four consecutive zero page locations specified in X. On entry -------- A=0 Y=file handle (see OSFIND) X=zero page location On exit ------- A=0 X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined The address pointed to by X (zero page location) holds the sequential pointer in 6502 order as a 4 byte value. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Write PTR# OSARGS A=1 Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Write the sequential pointer (PTR#) of a file using the value held in four consecutive zero page locations pointed to by X. On entry -------- A=1 Y=file handle (see OSFIND) X=zero page location On exit ------- A=0 if operation successful, otherwise A=1 X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined The contents of the zero page locations are preserved. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-15 SJresearch Read EXT# OSARGS A=2 Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Reads the extent (EXT#) of a file leaving the result in four consecutive zero page locations specified in X. On entry -------- A=2 Y=file handle (see OSFIND) X=zero page location On exit ------- A=0 if operation successful, otherwise A=2 X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined The address pointed to by X (zero page location) holds the extent of the file in 6502 order as a 4 byte value. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Write EXT# OSARGS A=3 Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Writes the extent (EXT#) of a file using the value given in four consecutive zero page locations specified in X. On entry -------- A=3 Y=file handle (see OSFIND) X=zero page location On exit ------- A=0 if operation successful, otherwise A=3 X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined The contents of the zero page locations are preserved. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ This call is not supported on most pre-Master filing systems. However, even when supported by the local NFS, a call of this nature requires cooperation from the file server as well, and not all versions of File Server support it either. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-16 SJresearch Read space OSARGS A=4 Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Reads the amount of space currently allocated to a file. On entry -------- A=4 Y=file handle (see OSFIND) X=zero page location On exit ------- A=0 if operation successful, otherwise A=4 X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ This call is only supported on the Advanced Network Filing System, HADFS and RISC OS filing systems. Read EOF OSARGS A=5 Y<>0 ========================================================================== Ensure size of open file OSARGS A=6 Y<>0 ========================================================================== Convert handle to filename OSARGS A=7 Y<>0 ========================================================================== Inform change in filestamp OSARGS A=8 Y<>0 ========================================================================== ANFS Internal Info. OSARGS A=&80 Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Return internal information held by the Advanced Network Filing System ROM. On entry -------- A=&80 Y=handle to return information on. X points to four bytes in zero page. On exit ------- The first byte has the handle in file server format. The second and third byte hold the fileserver number. The fourth byte holds the following information: Bit 0 is the sequence number Bit 1 is the 'known to be a dir' flag bit Bit 2 is the 'thought to be URD' bit Bit 3 is the 'thought to be CSD' bit Bit 4 is the 'thought to be CSL' bit Bit 5 is the 'current context' bit Bit 6 is the EOF error bit, set if the next BGET will fail Bit 7 is the write flag, set means writable to Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ This call is only supported on the Advanced Network Filing System ROM. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-16 SJresearch Read/Write internal info OSARGS A=&FD Y<>0 ========================================================================== Read info on handle OSARGS A=&FE Y<>0 ========================================================================== Update file OSARGS A=&FF Y<>0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Ensures that any data held temporarily in RAM is transferred to disc. Useful in programs which may run for many hours and do not wish to risk losing data if the power fails etc. On entry -------- A=&FF Y=handle to return information on. X ignored On exit ------- A=0 if operation successful, otherwise A=&FF X,Y preserved N,V,Z,C undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. Although this call is supported on the standard version of the NFS ROM the call has no effect because the data will always be up to date on the file server, this is not the case with the ANFS ROM because OSBGET and OSBPUT are buffered internally. 10.6 OSFILE Call Summary ========================================================================== Entry point &FFDD Indirected via &212 On entry -------- A=Reason code YX point to the control block Value in A Function A=0 Save a block of memory as a file using the information provided in the parameter block. A=1 Write the information in the parameter block to the catalogue entry for an existing file (i.e. file name and address). A=2 Write the load address (only) for an existing file. A=3 Write the execution address (only) for an existing file. A=4 Write the attributes (only) for an existing file. A=5 Read a file's catalogue information, with the file type returned in the accumulator. The information is written to the parameter block. A=6 Delete the named file. A=7 Create a file (ANFS only) A=8 Create a directory (ANFS only) A=&FD A=&FE A=&FF Load file to given address. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-18 SJresearch Save a file OSFILE A=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call saves a block of memory as a file, using the information provided in the control block. On entry -------- A=0 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Reload address | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Execution address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Start address of data | 14 +-------------------------------+ | End address of data | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C undefined The control block is filled with the file information of the saved file. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on read only systems such as ROM filing system. Change file info OSFILE A=1 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to change the reload address, execution address and attributes of a file to the values given. On entry -------- A=1 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Reload address | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Execution address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Attributes | 18 +-------------------------------+ The attributes of a file are 8 bits corresponding to the following values: Bit Access set on NFS Meaning if set 7 Undefined on NFS (locked for other users on some filing systems) 6 Undefined on NFS (executable by other users on some filing systems) 5 W public access The file is writeable by other users 4 R public access The file is readable by other users 3 L The file is locked 2 E Undefined on network (executable by you on some filing systems) 1 W owner access The file is writeable by you 0 R owner access The file is readable by you On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C undefined The control block is filled with the file information. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or read only filing systems such as ROM. Some filing systems only change the access byte of the attributes, some filing systems allow the modification date to be changed as well. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-19 SJresearch Change reload address OSFILE A=2 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to change the reload address of a file to that specified in the control block. On entry -------- A=2 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Reload address | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C are undefined The control block is filled with the file information. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or read only filing systems such as ROM. Change execute address OSFILE A=3 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- The call is used to change the execution address of a file to that given in the control block. On entry -------- A=3 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Execution address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C undefined The control block is filled with the file information. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or read only filing systems such as ROM. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-19 SJresearch Change attributes OSFILE A=4 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to change the attributes of a file or directory. On entry -------- A=4 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | File attributes | 18 +-------------------------------+ See OSFILE A=1 for meaning of file attribute bits. On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C undefined Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or read only filing systems such as ROM. Some filing systems only change the access byte of the attributes, some filing systems allow the modification date to be changed as well. Read catalogue info OSFILE A=5 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to read a file or directory's catalogue information into a control block. On entry -------- A=5 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=0 if object not found A=1 if object is a file A=2 if object is a directory A=3 if object is an image file (where supported) A=4 if object is an unresolved symbolic link (where supported) X,Y,C undefined 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Load address | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Execution address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Length | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Access | 15 +-------------------------------+ | Modification date | 17 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 18 +-------------------------------+ The attributes are 8 bits corresponding to the following values: Bit Access set on NFS Meaning if set 7 L Locked for other users 6 R public access Executable by other users 5 W public access Writeable by other users 4 R public access Readable by other users 3 L Locked for you 2 R owner access Executable by you 1 W public access Writeable by you 0 R owner access Readable by you Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or ROM. The MDFS returns the creation date instead of the modification date. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-21 SJresearch Delete object OSFILE A=6 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Deletes the filename pointed to by the control block. On entry -------- A=6 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- X,Y,C undefined If object not found then A=0, otherwise A=object type and control block updated as with OSFILE A=5. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on TAPE or read only filing systems such as ROM. Create file OSFILE A=7 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is the same as the save operation (OSFILE A=0) except that no data is transfered. Consequently the newly created file is filled with zeros. On entry, A=7 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Reload address | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Execution address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Start address of data | 14 +-------------------------------+ | End address of data | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C undefined The control block is filled with the created file's information. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on read-only systems such as ROM filing system, nor on NFS 3.34/3.60, early versions of File Server, early versions of DFS. Some filing systems may not fill the new file with zeros, and may just allocate it the required disk space. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-21 SJresearch Create directory OSFILE A=8 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is the same as the *CDIR command and creates a directory. On entry, A=8 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of directory name | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=object type X,Y,C undefined The control block is filled with the created directory's information. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Not supported on read-only systems such as ROM filing system, nor on NFS 3.34/3.60, early versions of File Server, not support on filing systems with subdirectories, such as DFS. Read internal information OSFILE A=&FD ========================================================================== Verify file OSFILE A=&FE ========================================================================== Load file OSFILE A=&FF ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This calls loads a file at a specified reload address, or, if the low byte of the execution address parameter is not zero, at the file's own reload address. The control block is updated with the file's catalogue information (load address, execution address, length, attributes). On entry -------- A=&FF YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of directory name | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Address to load to | 6 +-------------------------------+ | &00 to load to supplied load | | address | | <>&00 to load to file's own | | load address | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ignored | 18 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- A=1 to indicate file found X,Y,C undefined 0 +-------------------------------+ | Address of filename | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Load address | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Execution address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Length | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Attributes | 18 +-------------------------------+ Compatability between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported by all filing systems. ANFS does not update the control block correctly after loading the file. 10.7 OSCLI Command line ========================================================================== Entry point &FFF7 Indirected via &208 General description ------------------- This call is used to send a command line to the Operating system or your currently selected filing system. This is the equivalent of a direct command with a '*' in front of it On entry -------- A is undefined YX point to the command line to be interpretated. On exit ------- A,X,Y,C undefined Example ------- 10 DIM s% 80 20 PROCoscli("CAT") 30 END 40 50 DEF PROCoscli($s%) 60 X%=s%:Y%=s% DIV 256 70 CALL &FFF7 80 ENDPROC If the procedure is used instead of the keyword OSCLI, then it can be guaranteed that this part of the program will not be sensitive to version 1 of BASIC. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Supported on all filing systems. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-21 SJresearch 10.8 OSWORD Call Summary ========================================================================== Entry point &FFF1 Indirects via &20C On entry -------- Value in A Control byte Function A=&10 &81 READ a block of memory from a remote machine A=&10 &82 WRITE a block of memory to a remote machine A=&10 &83 CALL location and send argument block to remote machine A=&10 &84 User procedure call to a remote machine A=&10 &85 Operating system procedure call to a remote machine A=&10 &86 HALT a remote machine A=&10 &87 START a remote machine (after a Halt) A=&10 &88 Read the machine type and version number of a remote machine A=&10 &89 Read remote ARM register contents (RISC OS only) A=&11 Receive block operations A=&12 Reading arguments A=&13 Reading/writing station information A=&14 &00 Communicate with File Server A=&14 &01 Send Text message A=&14 &02 Cause remote error Calls with A=&10 are all varients of Transmit see section 10.15 for details of the necessary polling and retry techniques. 10.9 Transmit OSWORD A=&10 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to transmit a block of data to a remote machine. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte (top bit set) | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Port | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | local buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of | | local buffer | 12 +-----------------------------+ The control byte always has the top bit set. The rest of the byte is called a control code which, with the exception of immediate operations, makes no difference what value is chosen. If the port number is zero this indicates that an immediate operation is to be performed, with the operation in the control byte. If the remote station is &FFFF this is a broadcast, and the data to be transmitted is held in the eight bytes of the control block itself. On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | | Zero if transmission failed | | to start | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 12 +-----------------------------+ See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. 10.9 Peek OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&81) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This returns a block of memory from a remote machine into the local machine. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &81 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | local buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of | | local buffer | 12 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | remote machine's buffer | 16 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-24 SJresearch Poke OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&82) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This sends a block of memory from the local machine into the remote machine. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &82 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | local buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of | | local buffer | 12 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | remote machine's buffer | 16 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Remote JSR OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&83) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call sends an argument block to a remote machine, then jumps to a location in the remote machine. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &83 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | local buffer for arguments | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of | | local buffer for arguments | 12 +-----------------------------+ | Address to CALL in remote | | machine | 16 +-----------------------------+ After this call the remote machine is protected against procedure calls and OS procedure calls until the parameter block is read. The program in the remote machine must read the parameter block (OSWORD A=&12) before exiting (with a RTS), otherwise the remote machine will remain protected. If the remote machine is a BBC microcomputer then the address to call must be in the I/O processor. Although interrupts are disabled in the remote machine, they should be enabled if the routine is going to take much longer than 1mS to complete. The maximum size of the argument block is 128 bytes. On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-24 SJresearch Remote procedure OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&84) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This passes a block of memory to a remote machine and causes an event (number 8) in that machine. The program in the remote machine must intercept the event number (procedure number held in YX) and read the argument block (OSWORD A=&12) before exiting with an RTS. Note that the argument block must be read even if there are no arguments, because the Rx control block will not be reopened until this has happened. Machines with Econet version 3.34 may crash, because stations greater than 240 can override the machine protection, therefore they can overwrite the argument block before it is read. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &84 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of | | local buffer for arguments | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of | | local buffer for arguments | 12 +-----------------------------+ | Procedure number | 16 +-----------------------------+ In the remote machine the Accumulator (A register) holds the event number (which will be 8). X will hold the low byte of the procedure number and Y will hold the high byte. On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Example ------- The first program uses the user procedure call to cause an event in a remote machine (held in the variable stn% : line 60). Note that the second program MUST be running in the remote station, otherwise the remote station will become protected. 10 REM Program to send Events to a remote machine 20 DIM blk% 100,buffer% 100 30 osword=&FFF1:osbyte=&FFF4 40 50 REPEAT 60 stn%=4 : cntr%=100 70 REPEAT 80 blk%?0=&84 : blk%?1=0 : blk%!2=stn% 90 blk%!4=buffer% : blk%!8=buffer%+4 100 blk%!12=2 :REM Procedure number 110 X%=blk% : Y%=blk% DIV 256 : A%=&lO 120 CALL osword 130 cntr%=cntr%-1 140 UNTIL FNpoll_transmit OR cntr%=0 150 160 UNTIL cntr%=0 170 PRINT"! can't send an event to machine ";stn% 180 END 190 200 DEF FNpoll_transmit 210 LOCAL A%:A%=&32 220 REPEAT V%=(USR(osbyte) AND &FF00) 230 UNTIL (V% AND &8000)=0 240 =((V% AND &7F00)=0) This program is to be run in the remote machine. When an event occurs, the event routine increments a location on the screen. 10 REM Detecting an event sent through the Econet 20 REM (C) A.J.Engeham, SJ Research 30 REM ___________________________________ 40 DIM code &100,buffer 100 50 osword=&FFF1:osbyte=&FFF4 60 MODE 7 70 PROCassemble 80 CALL set_up_event 90 PRINT"The event routine has been set up" 100 PRINT" - waiting for event to happen" 110 END 120 130 DEFPROCassemble 140 FOR pass=0 TO 2 STEP 2 150 EVENTV=&220:zp=&70 160 P%=code 170 [OPT pass 180 .set_up_event 190 LDA EVENTV:STA zp 200 LDA EVENTV+1:STA zp+1 \ Save old event handling routine 210 SEI \ Changing Event vector interupts \ must be disabled. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-26 SJresearch 220 LDA #handle_eco MOD 256:STA EVENTV 230 LDA #handle_eco DIV 256:STA EVENTV+1 260 CLI \ Vector done reenable interupts 270 LDA #14:LDX #8:JSR osbyte \ Enable Econet events 280 RTS 290 300 \******** Event handling routine ********* 310 .handle_eco 320 PHP 330 CMP #8:BNE not_econet_event \ If not 8 then the event was not caused 340 \ by the Econet 350 PHA:TXA:PHA:TYA:PHA \ It was the Econet so save registers 370 CPX #2 \ Check for User procedure call 2 380 BNE dud_eco_call \ Not the procedure call sent from 390 CPY #0:BNE dud_eco_call \ my machine 400 INC &7E00 \ Do something exciting 410 .dud eco call 420 LDX #buffer MOD 256:LDY #buffer DIV 256 \ YX points to the buffer 430 LDA #&12:JSR osword \ Read arguments 440 PLA:TAY:PLA:TAX:PLA \ Restore registers 450 .not_econet_event 460 PLP \ Restore flags 470 JMP (zp) \ Pass event back to MOS to handle 480 ] 490 NEXT 500 ENDPROC Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Remote Insert key OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&85) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call inserts a byte into a remote machine's keyboard buffer and is used by the 'send a line of text' command (OSWORD A=&14 Control byte=1), which should usually be used in preference to this call See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &85 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer + 1 | 12 +-----------------------------+ | &00 | 16 +-----------------------------+ The buffer (which is 1 byte long) holds the byte to send to the remote station. On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Example ------- 10 REM Insert a character into a remote machine's keyboard buffer 20 REM (C) A.J.Engeham, SJ Research 30 REM___________________________________________________________ 40 50 DIM blk% 16,buffer% 1 60 osword=&FFF1:osbyte=&FFF4 70 INPUT"Station number : ";stn% 80 PRINT"Character to send : "; 90 ?buffer%=GET 100 tries%=20 Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-27 SJresearch 110 REPEAT 120 blk%?0=&85 130 blk%?1=0 140 blk%!2=stn% 150 blk%!4=buffer% 160 blk%!8=buffer%+1 170 blk%!12=0 180 X%=blk%:Y%=X% DIV 256 190 A%=&10:CALL osword 200 tries%=tries%-1 210 REPEAT 220 A%=&32 230 UNTIL (USRosbyte AND &8000)=0 240 tries%=tries%-1 250 UNTIL (USRosbyte AND &7F00)=0 OR tries%=0 260 IF tries%=0 PRINT"Unable to send character":END 270 PRINT"Character sent" 280 END Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Start REMOTE OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&85) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to start a REMOTE. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &85 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer + 1 | 12 +-----------------------------+ | &01 | 16 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-28 SJresearch Update workspace OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&85) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call causes a remote machine to write the state of its screen to a position in its Econet workspace (whence it can be read by the local machine by PEEKing this workspace). See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &85 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer + 1 | 12 +-----------------------------+ | &02 | 16 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ In the remote machine the data is written to the NFS workspace (in the I/O processor) pointed to by locations &9E and &9F plus &E9. This data is shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Address of top of screen | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Palette (physical colours | | defined on screen) | 18 +-----------------------------+ | Mode number (0-7) | 19 +-----------------------------+ | Address of start of screen | 21 +-----------------------------+ | Mark/Space for colours | 23 +-----------------------------+ Example ------- 10 REM Info, about a remote m/c : Demonstration for OS procedure 2 20 REM (C) A.J.Engeham, SJ Research 30 REM _____________________________________________________________ 50 DIM blk% 100,buffer% 100 60 INPUT"Station number ",stn% 70 osword=&FFF1:osbyte=&FFF4 80 90 PROCtransmit(&85,1, 2) 100 PROCtransmit(&81,2, &FFFF009E) 110 PROCtransmit(&81,30,&FFFF0000+(buffer%!0 AND &FFFF)+&E9) 120 130 MODE 7 140 PRINT"Machine number ";stn% 150 PRINT" MODE ";buffer%?18 160 PRINT" Address of start of screen=&";~buffer%!19 AND &FFFF 170 PRINT" Address of top of screen=&";~buffer%!0 AND &FFFF 180 PRINT'"Palette"'"_______"'"Logical Physical" 190 FOR I%=0 TO 15 200 PRINTTAB(3);I%TAB(12);I%?(buffer%+2) 210 NEXT 220 END 230 240 DEFFNpoll_transmit 250 LOCAL A%:A%=&32 260 REPEAT V%=(USR(osbyte) AND &FF00) 270 UNTIL (V% AND &8000)=0 280 =((V% AND &7F00)=0) 290 300 DEFPROCtransmit(cb%,no of bytes%,start%) 310 LOCAL cntr%,X%,Y%,A% 320 cntr%=20 330 REPEAT 340 blk%!0=cb% 350 blk%!2=stn% 360 blk%!4=buffer% 370 blk%!8=buffer%+no_of_bytes% 380 blk%!12=start% 390 X%=blk%:Y%=blk% DIV 256 400 A%=&10:CALL osword 410 cntr%=cntr%-1 420 UNTIL FNpoll_transmit OR cntr%=0 430 IF cntr%=0 THEN PRINT"Machine not listening":END 440 ENDPROC Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-29 SJresearch Fatal Error OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&85) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This causes a fatal error in a remote machine. It is easier to use the high level fatal error call (OSWORD A=&14 Control byte=2). See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &85 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to buffer + 1 | 12 +-----------------------------+ | &03 | 16 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Halt OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&86) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Halts all non-interrupt operations in the I/O processor of a remote machine. If a Tube is running on the remote machine, then that will continue running until it tries to communicate with the I/O processor. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &86 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-29 SJresearch Continue OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&87) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Restarts the I/O processor of a remote machine after a Halt command (OSWORD A=&10 Control byte=&86). See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &87 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the NFS. The NFS need not be the current filing system. Identify Machine OSWORD A=&10 (Control byte=&88) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call interrogates a remote machine returning codes containing values to distinguish between manufacturers, machine types and software versions. See section 10.15 for information on polling the transmit for success. On entry -------- A=&10 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &88 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of local | | buffer | 8 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of local | | buffer (start+4) | 12 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Modified | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 16 +-----------------------------+ Only the first four bytes of the buffer are relevant. The meaning of these bytes are shown below: Byte 0 This is defined by manufacturers and is intended to indicate the hardware design of the machine. The following are currently defined: Value Type of machine SJ Research FF Z80 CP/M FE SJ Research File Server FD RM480Z FC Nascom 2 (running CP/M) FB IBM Interface board FA SCSI Interface F9 SJ Research 80386 UNIX F8 SJ Research GP server Acorn 00 No response from remote machine 01 BBC Microcomputer (OS 1 or 2) 02 Atom 03 System 3 or System 4 04 System 5 05 Master 128 (OS 3) 06 Electron 07 Archimedes (OS 6) 08 Reserved for future machine 09 Communicator 0A Master 128 ET 0B Filestore 0C Master Compact (OS 5) 0D EcoLink card for PCs 0E UNIX workstation 0F RISC PC 10 Iyonix 11 A9 40 ZX Spectrum 41 Amstrad CPC 50 Econet-Ethernet Gateway Other values Reserved Byte 1 This byte indicates the manufacturer. The following are currently defined: Value Manufacturer 00 Acorn 01 Torch 02 Reuters 10 J.G.Harston 50 Phillip Blundell FF SJ Research Bytes 2 & 3 These contain the low and high bytes of the software release version in packed Binary Coded Decimal, byte 3 contains the version number and byte 4 the release. The easiest way to display packed BCD is to print it as if it were hexadecimal, for example with PRINT FNh0(data?3,2);".";FNh0(data?2,2). Compatibility between Filing Systems ------------------------------------ Only supported by the Econet system. The NFS need not be the current filing system. 10.10 Set up Rx block OSWORD A=&11 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to set up a receive block in your local machine. Once this has been done, data which is transmitted, or broadcast, on your port number, can be received. On entry -------- A=&11 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | &7F | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Port number | 3 +-----------------------------+ | Station number | 5 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of buffer | 9 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of buffer | 13 +-----------------------------+ If the port number is zero then the receive block will receive data transmitted on any port number. If the station number is zero then the receive block will receive data sent from any station, as long as the port number is correct. Note that the size of the buffer must be big enough to receive all the data transmitted otherwise the data will be rejected, and the receive block left open. To select the correct port number for your application see the Econet Standards Group paper 0001 at the end of this section. On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Receive block number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged | 13 +-----------------------------+ If the receive block number allocated is zero then all the available receive blocks have been used. To correct this delete an unused receive block and retry the call. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-32 SJresearch Read Rx block OSWORD A=&11 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Once data has been received into an open receive block a read operation is needed to discover the source of the data and the number of bytes actually received. This call allows a copy of the updated control block to be written to the address pointed to by YX. Reading a receive block deletes the old receive block and allows that receive block to be reallocated. The control block is updated with the address of the end of the received data. If the receive block was open to all stations, by using a station number of 0, then the actual machine number that sent the packet will be written to the control block; this is also the case for the port number. See section 10.15 for details of polling to see when data has arrived. On entry -------- A=&11 YX point to the address of the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control block number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Ignored | 13 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control block number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte of tranmistted | | packet from remote station | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Port number of remote | | machine | 3 +-----------------------------+ | Station number of remote | | machine | 5 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to start of data | 9 +-----------------------------+ | Pointer to end of data | 13 +-----------------------------+ 10.11 Read arguments OSWORD A=&12 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call allows arguments to be read after a remote JSR (OSWORD A=&10 control byte=&83) and a user procedure call (OSWORD A=&10 control byte=&84). The remote machine will have the protect status bits set until this call is used, this is to prevent the arguments from being overwritten. The maximum size of the argument block is returned by OSWORD A=&13, function code=9. On entry -------- A=&12 YX point to the address in memory to put the arguments, of which the first two bytes are the source station number. On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-33 SJresearch 10.12 OSWORD A=&13 Call Summary ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These calls allow general local station information to be read and written. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block with the first byte determining the function and number of parameters. Except for function codes 0,1,6 and 7 the NFS does not need to be selected to perform the operations. Control byte Function 0 Read File Server number 1 Write File Server number 2 Read Printer Server number 3 Write Printer Server number 4 Read Protection mask 5 Write Protection mask 6 Read context handles 7 Write context handles 8 Read local station number 9 Read number, and size, of arguments 10 Read error number ANFS supports the following calls: 11 Read channel last error occured on 12 Read Printer Server name 13 Write Printer Server name 14 Read space in NetPrint buffer 15 Read File Server retry delay 16 Write File Server retry delay 17 Translate net number On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined. Control block modified FS number OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=0/1) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These calls allow the File Server number to be read and written. This value is used for all File Server commands including *I AM and OSWORD A=&14. To change onto a different File Server, context handles need to be written otherwise it is likely that any further operations will return the error 'Channel'. The ANFS utility '*FS' does both of these operations. The BBC NFS ROM defaults to the value 0.254 (i.e. station 254 on the local network). On the Master, Compact and Econet Terminal the default File Server number is held in CMOS RAM and is configured by the command '*CONFIGURE FS '. These calls should only be attempted with Econet selected as the current filing system. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte | | 0 = Read FS number | | 1 = Write FS number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | File Server station | 3 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined For read operation the control block is modified as shown above. For write operation the control block is undefined. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-34 SJresearch PS number OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=2/3) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These calls concern the machine using a Print Server. To send a listing it is also necessary to set the printer type to the network, by issuing the command '*FX5,4'. The BBC NFS ROM defaults to the value 0.235 (i.e. station 235 on the local network). On the Master, Compact and Econet Terminal the default File Server number is held in CMOS RAM and is configured be the command ""CONFIGURE PS '. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte | | 2 = Read FS number | | 3 = Write FS number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Printer Server station | 3 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined For read operation the control block is modified as shown above. For write operation the control block is undefined. Protection mask OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=4/5) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These calls allow the user to read and write the protection mask of the local machine. Note that if a remote machine attempts to do an operation requiring parameters returned then various protection bits will be set until the parameters have been read (using OSWORD A=&12). On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte | | 4 = Read protection mask | | 5 = Write protection mask | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Value of protection mask | 3 +-----------------------------+ If a bit of the protection mask is clear then the remote operation is allowed. The possible values of the protection mask are shown below: bit Operation 0 Peek 1 Poke 2 JSR 3 User procedure call 4 Operation system procedure call 5 Halt On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined For read operation the control block is modified as shown above. For write operation the control block is undefined. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-35 SJresearch Context handles OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=6/7) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Three directory handles describing the current environment are required for most File Server operations. These are returned by the File Server by the command '*I AM . The three handles are: User root directory (URD) - starting directory for that user. If the command '*DIR' is issued then the user will be returned to this directory. Currently selected directory (CSD) - the directory that the user is currently in. Library directory (LIB) - the directory that is searched if a filename is not found in the CSD. These calls should only be attempted with NFS selected as the current filing system. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte | | 6 = Read context handles | | 7 = Write context handles | 1 +-----------------------------+ | URD | 2 +-----------------------------+ | CSD | 3 +-----------------------------+ | LIB | 4 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined For read operation the control block is modified as shown above. For write operation the control block is undefined. Read station OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=8) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns the local station number. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 8 = Read location station | | number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Returned station number | 2 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Control block is modified to hold local station number. Example ------- 10 DIM blk% 2 20 PRINT FNstation 30 END 40 50 DEFFNstation 60 A%=&13 70 X%=blk%:Y%=blk% DIV 256 80 blk%?0=8 90 CALL &FFF1 100 =blk%?1 Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-36 SJresearch Read arg. info. OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=9) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to find the size of the argument block used by remote JSR and remote procedure call, currently held by the NFS, and the maximum size of argument block possible. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 9 = Read arguments | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 3 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Control block is modified as shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Number of arguments | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Maximum number of arguments | 3 +-----------------------------+ Read error OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=10) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to find the actual error number after a 'catch-all' error (error number &A8) has happened, or the screen MODE after a 'Mode x' error from '*VIEW'. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 10 = Read error number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 2 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Control block is modified as shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Error number | 2 +-----------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-37 SJresearch Channel error occured on OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=11) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads the channel number the last error occured on if it occured on an open file as the result of a random access operation, or zero if it was not the result of a random access operation. This is the channel number given in the 'error on channel xx' message. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 11 = Read channel last | | error occured on | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 2 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined The control block is modified to hold the channel number: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-----------------------------+ |Channel last error occured on| 2 +-----------------------------+ PS name OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=12/13) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These calls allow the printer server to be selected by name. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte | | 12 = Read printer name | | 13 = Write printer name | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Printer server name padded | | with spaces | 7 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined For read operations, the control block is modified as above. For write operations, the control block is undefined. Issue 01 Jul 1997 10-37 SJresearch Read space in NetPrint buffer OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=14) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads the amount of free space in the NetPrint buffer used by the network printer device selected by *FX5,4. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 12 = Read free space in | | NetPrint buffer | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 2 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined The control block is modified to hold the number of free bytes in the NetPrint buffer. 0 +-----------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Number of free | | bytes in NetPrint buffer | 2 +-----------------------------+ Read and write fileserver retry delays OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=15/16) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These calls read and write the delays used when retrying calls to the fileserver. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte | | 15 = Read retry delay | | 16 = Write retry delays | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Not listening delay | 1 +-----------------------------+ | No reply delay | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Machine Peek delay | 2 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined For read operations, the control block is modified as above. For write operations, the control block is undefined. This call is also the way to determine if ANFS is being used, as follows: a) Read the retry delays b) Invert them with X%!1=X%!1 EOR &AAAAAA and remember them c) Read the retry delays again d) If the contents of the control block have changed, then ANFS is being used Issue 01 Jul 1997 10-37 SJresearch Translate net number OSWORD A=&13 (control byte=17) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads the current network number of the local machine or the file server, or translates a supplied network number. On entry -------- A=&13 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 17 = Translate net number | 1 +-----------------------------+ | this net or &00 | 2 +-----------------------------+ | undefined | 3 +-----------------------------+ | translated net number | 4 +-----------------------------+ If XY+1 is &00, then XY+3 is returned holding the local network number. If XY+3=0, returns XY+3=file server net number If XY+3=this net, then returns XY+3=0 If XY+3<>this net, then returns XY+3 unchanged On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined The control block is modified as above. Issue 01 Jul 1997 10-37 SJresearch 10.13 Send to FS OSWORD A=&14 (control byte=0) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to communicate directly with the File Server and is detailed fully in the section detailing the File Server interface. The network must be the current filing system. On entry -------- A=&14 YX point to the control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------------+ | 0=Communicate with File Server | 1 +-----------------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (x) | 2 +-----------------------------------+ | 0 - NFS will put reply port here | 3 +-----------------------------------+ | FS Function code | 4 +-----------------------------------+ | 0 - NFS will put URD handle here | 5 +-----------------------------------+ | 0 - NFS will put CSD handle here | 6 +-----------------------------------+ | 0 - NFS will put LIB handle here | 7 +-----------------------------------+ | Rest of FS transmit block | x +-----------------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Control block is modified as shown below: 0 +-----------------------------------+ | Undefined (normally 0) | 1 +-----------------------------------+ | Undefined (normally unchanged) | 2 +-----------------------------------+ | Command code | 3 +-----------------------------------+ | Return code | 4 +-----------------------------------+ | Rest of file server receive block | x +-----------------------------------+ Note: documentation states XY+1 is updated with the size of the returned data block. It is not. In extant implementations it is unchanged. Send text OSWORD A=&14 (control byte=1) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call sends a message to a remote machine and is used by the library utility *NOTIFY. The NFS must be the current filing system. On entry -------- A=&14 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 1 = Send text | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Destination station | 3 +-----------------------------+ | Text, terminated by 0 or 13 | x +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Contents of control block is undefined. The maximum size of text is 128 bytes when performed from a 2nd processor and 250 bytes when performed from the I/O processor. This call should not be used from within an interrupt routine. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-38 SJresearch Cause remote error OSWORD A=&14 (control byte=2) ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call causes a fatal error in a remote machine, by executing a BRK instruction followed by another 0, thus generating error 0. The NFS must be the current filing system. This is only guaranteed to be a fatal error in BASIC 2 and above. In BASIC 1 the ON ERROR will still trap fatal errors. Some other languages also incorrectly implement trapping of error 0. On entry -------- A=&14 YX point to the control block show below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 2 = Cause fatal error | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Destination station | 3 +-----------------------------+ On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined Contents of control block is undefined. 10.14 OSBYTE Call Summary ========================================================================== Entry point &FFF4 Indirected via &20A On entry -------- A=Function code Value in A Function A=&32 Poll transmit block A=&33 Poll receive block A=&34 Delete a receive block, enable/disable events on reception A=&35 Sever remote connection On exit ------- X=Result dependent on the function A,Y,C undefined Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-39 SJresearch Poll Transmit OSBYTE A=&32 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to poll a transmit operation for completion. If an error occured the error code will be returned in X. On entry -------- A=&32 On exit ------- X=0 if the transmission has been completed successfully, otherwise the following bits in X are relevant. Bit 7 is the top bit, bit 0 is the bottom bit. bit state Meaning 7 0 completed 1 in progress 6 0 sucessful 1 failed 5 0 4 0 3 0 2-0 the error code Error codes 0 Line jammed 1 Incomplete or bad four-way handshake (Net error) 2 No acknowledge to scout packet (Not listening) 3 No clock 4 Bad transmit control block A,Y,C undefined Example ------- DEF FNpoll_Tx LOCAL Result%,A% A%=&32 REPEAT Result%=(USR(osbyte) AND &FF00) DIV &100) UNTIL Result%<&80 =Result% The BASIC function above will poll the last transmit operation until it has been completed. When the function returns, if the result is non-zero, then there has been an error in the transmission and the transmit command may have to be redone. Poll Receive OSBYTE A=&33 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to check whether anything has been received in a receive block. On entry -------- A=&33 X=control block number On exit ------- X has the top bit set if a message has been received. A,Y undefined C undefined Example ------- DEF FNpoll_Rx(X%) LOCAL Result%,A% A%=&33 =((USRosbyte AND &8000)<>0) The above example, when given a control block number as a parameter, will return -1 (TRUE) if anything has been received. 10 CB%=FNset_up_Rx :REM Your function which sets up a receive block 20 :REM and returns the control block number. 30 REPEAT 40 UNTIL FNpoll_Rx(CB%) 50 PRINT'Something has been received! Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-40 SJresearch Delete receive block OSBYTE A=&34 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to delete a receive block. On entry -------- A=&34 X=control block number On exit ------- X control block number A,Y undefined C undefined Enable/Disable events on reception OSBYTE A=&34 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- An event can be generated on a successful reception. This call is used to enable and disable this event. When ebabled, upon a successful reception an event is generated with A=&FE, X=NFS ROM number, Y=receive control block number. On entry -------- A=&34 X=100 - disable reception events X=150 - enable reception events On exit ------- A,X,Y undefined C undefined 10.15 Transmitting ========================================================================== General description ------------------- To transmit a packet over the network using the BBC microcomputer it is necessary to set up a control block in memory. A transmit control block will always take the form: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte (top bit set) | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Port | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Remote station | | (station number, network) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Start of data | 8 +-----------------------------+ | End of data | 12 +-----------------------------+ The control byte always has the top bit set. The rest of the byte is called a control code which, with the exception of immediate operations, makes no difference what value is chosen. Check that the port number is within the correct range for your application by checking it against the Econet Standards Group paper 0001. General procedure for transmitting ---------------------------------- 1) Set up the control block and the number of retries to perform. 2) Store the control byte in the control block. 3) Set the accumulator to &10 and YX to point to the control block. 4) CALL OSWORD to perform the call 5) Read the control byte of the control block. If this is zero then the transmission has failed to start so go to step 2. 6) Poll for completion (Using OSBYTE A=&32). 7) If not completed (i.e. top bit of X register still set) go to step 6. 8) Has transmission worked (Using OSBYTE A=&32 to find whether X is 0). 9) If there was a non-fatal error in the transmission then decrement the number of retries and if the number of retries is greater than 0 go to step 2. 10) If the error was fatal or the number of retries=0 then finish otherwise return. The terms fatal and non-fatal refer to the type of error returned by OSBYTE with A=&32. The errors 'line jammed' (&40), 'no clock' (&43) and 'bad transmit control block' (&44) are all fatal: this is because they all need manual intervention by the user to cure them, a detailed explanation of these errors is given in appendix A. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-40 SJresearch The errors 'four way handshake damaged' (&41) and 'no scout acknowlegement' (&42) are termed non-fatal The error 'no scout acknowlegement' is normally caused by either: the remote machine having no receive block open to receive the data, the machine has the protection status set, or the machine is not on the network. The error 'four way handshake damaged' is normally caused by the receive buffer size of the remote machine not being big enough, the data colliding with someone else transmitting or electrical interference. It should be noted that the Acorn BBC B+ and early Master series microcomputers do not have any collision detect hardware (although it can be fitted) and so it is possible that it may not always transmit correctly, especially on the broadcast operation. Broadcasting ------------ This is a special version of the transmit operation. It allows a station to simultaneously send eight bytes of data to every other station on every network, that has a receive block open and is currently the only method of communicating with the bridge. However, the call has no handshaking so it is not possible to guarantee that the remote stations received the data. The control block is shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Control byte (top bit set) | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Port | 2 +-----------------------------+ | &FFFF | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Data | 12 +-----------------------------+ If the remote station has a receive block open on the correct port number then the data will be received like a normal transmit, except that if the remote station has NFS version 3.34 the data will be written over the pointers of the receive control block instead of the location pointed to. Transmitting under Interrupts ----------------------------- If an application requires performing a transmission under interrupts then there is a special precaution to take. This is because the transmit routine interrupts and so there is the possibility that a transmission under interrupts may occur whilst a transmission is already taking place. Thus polling the transmit will get the result of the last transmission. To get around this problem the following must be done: Before transmitting save the old transmission poll flag by: .loop LDY #&6F \ Offset to transmission poll flag LDA (&9C),Y \ Fetch via workspace pointer BMI loop \ Loop until not transmitting PHA \ Save it Having successfully transmitted, restore the old transmission poll flag by: LDY #&6F \ Offset to transmission poll flag PLA \ Get old poll flag STA (&9C),Y \ Store it via workspace pointer It is essential that the above routines are executed in the I/O processor. 10.16 Receiving ========================================================================== A receive block is needed to receive a transmission from a remote machine. The only exceptions to this are the immediate operations, these are handled specially by the NFS ROM. Before a receive block can be used it must be set up. This is performed by setting up a control block and CALLing OSWORD A=&11. If a valid receive block number is returned then the receive block is open. The receive block will only be filled if all the following conditions are met: 1) The correct station replies 2) The data is sent on the correct port number 3) The amount of data sent is not bigger than the buffer size reserved. Events on reception ------------------- The ANFS ROM can produce an event on reception of data into a receive block. Events are enabled using *FX 52,150. Events are disabled using *FX 52,100. The event number is 254 and on entry Y holds the control block number of the receive block which received data. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-42 SJresearch 10.17 Port numbers ========================================================================== The information below is a copy of a paper by the Econet Standards Group. ESG paper 0001 -------------- This standard defines the way in which port number may legally be used. They should only be used for the purposes given in the following list. 00 Illegal (note 1) 01-0F Reply only (note 2) 10-2F Torch Computers (note 3) 30-8F Reserved for future allocation 90-9F Acorn Computers (note 3) A0-AF SJ Research (note 3) B0-B1 Server logon protocol (note 2) B2-CF Reserved for future allocation D0-EF Acorn Computers (note 3) F0-FE User Programs FF Ilegal Notes ----- 1) Used to provide immediate operations. 2) These ports may be used by anyone for any purpose, subject to certain restrictions. They may not be used to initiate a new protocol, but may be used to receive replies within a protocol initiated using some other port. When receiving data on these ports, the receive block must be open for a specific station, and not for all stations. Data should never be sent on these ports unless it is certain that the recipient is prepared for that data, and is carrying out the same protocol. Broadcasts may not be sent on these ports. These ports must only be used by software which has complete control of one end of the connection, and can ensure that no other software will attempt to transmit or receive on these ports at the same time. It is suggested that unsolicited traffic on these ports be discarded immediately by any software that receives it 3) Where numbers are allocated to a particular organisation, that organisation will control the use of those numbers. However, it is to be hoped that, as new standards are agreed, some or all of these numbers will be allocated to specific purposes at a later date. Currently used ports -------------------- Ports which are currently used are: 00 Immediate Operation 4D MUGINS 54 DigitalServicesTapeStore 90 FileServerReply 91 FileServerDataAck 92 FileServerData 93 Remote 99 FileServerCommand 9A 9B 9C Bridge 9D ResourceLocator 9E PrinterServerEnquiryReply 9F PrinterServerEnquiry A0 SJ Research *FAST protocol (Econet Terminal/file server management) AF SJ Research Nexus net find reply port B0 FindServer B1 FindServerReply B2 TeletextServerReply - reply from server to client B3 TeletextServerCommand - command from client to server B4 TeletextPageData - page data from server to client B5 TeletextHeader - header data from server to client D0 PrinterServerReply D1 PrinterServerData D2 TCPIPProtocolSuite - IP over Econet D3 SIDFrameSlave, FastFS_Control D4 Scrollarama D5 Phone D6 BroadcastControl D7 BroadcastData D8 ImpressionLicenceChecker D9 DigitalServicesSquirrel DA SIDSecondary, FastFS_Data DB DigitalServicesSquirrel2 DC DataDistributionControl, Cambridge Systems Design DD DataDistributionData, Cambridge Systems Design DE ClassROM, Oak Solutions DF PrinterSpoolerCommand, Oak Solutions E0 DigitalServicesNetGain1, David Faulkner, Digital Services E1 DigitalServicesNetGain2, David Faulkner, Digital Services E2 AppFS1, Les Want, AppFS E3 AppFS2, Les Want, AppFS E4 AtomWideFaxNet, Martin Coulson / Chris Ross E5 AtomWidePrintNet, Martin Coulson / Chris Ross E6 IotaDataPower, Neil Raine, Iota E7 CDNetServerBroadcast, Ellis Hall, PEP Associates E8 CDNetServerReplies, Ellis Hall, PEP Associates E9 ClassFS_Server, Oak Solutions EA DigitalServicesTapeStore2, New allocation to replace &54 EB DeveloperSupport, Mark/Jon communication port EC LLS_Net, Longman Logotron S-Net server F0-FE User programs FF Illegal 10.18 The Bridge ========================================================================== The number of stations on any one network is limited to 254, because the station number is a one byte number and values 255 and 0 are reserved for special purposes. An Acorn bridge is used to connect two Econet networks together; bridges can be used to connect up to 127 networks together, giving a maximum of 32258 stations in total. Another use of a bridge is to split a long network so that the data transfer rate inside a network can be fast. This is because each network will be shorter; only when data is being transferred between networks does the data transfer rate slow down. If a fault appears on one of the networks then the other network will continue to work; this is particularly useful for developing and testing new Econet hardware. The last use of a bridge is to allow otherwise illegal network layouts, the most common of these being a T junction How to use the bridge --------------------- All the primitives supplied by the NFS ROM have two bytes reserved for the station number. The first byte is the station number and the second byte is the network number. To communicate with machines on the local network the network number should be 0. For a station on network 4 to communicate with another station on network 4, the network number would be 0. For a station on network 5 to communicate with a station on network 4, the network number would be 4 When the bridge is not transferring data, it looks at all the scout packets being sent on both of the networks that it is bridging across, called the networks adjacent to the bridge. If the scout packet contains a network number which is within reach through the bridge, then the bridge will perform a four-way handshake between the networks to transfer the data. To do a four way handshake the bridge receives data from one adjacent network and puts it into its own RAM. While this is done, the bridge sends flags on the other adjacent line to prevent any network activity. Once the transfer of data has been completed, the bridge moves to flagging the first network instead, while it transfers the data from its internal RAM onto the second network: Because the bridge has to wait until it has received all the data before re-transmitting it, the transfer rate halves when data is transferred across a bridge. Note that data being transferred between networks 4 and 5, in the system shown overleaf, would be approximately one quarter of the speed of a transfer inside network 4 (the actual figure depends on the clock speeds for each network) When a bridge is switched on, it only knows about its adjacent networks. So it broadcasts a reset packet to find out what other networks arc available. The other bridges on the network all update their network lists Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-43 SJresearch Network 4 | Bridge | Network 22 | Bridge | Network 7 | Bridge | Network 5 The bridge can be interrogated to find the number of the local networks, version number of the software running in the bridge and the numbers of any other bridges on the network. In addition to these calls the bridge also responds to a reset message and a normal data transfer message. As the bridge does not use immediate operations, for transmissions, it is necessary to set up a receive block, to receive status information. Thus the process for communicating with the bridge is: 1) Set up a receive block. 2) Broadcast the data to bridge. 3) Poll receive block until packet received or a timeout occurs. 4) If the polling time was excessive delete the receive block and finish. 5) Read the receive block and return results. Normally the user will never need to communicate with the bridge as all necessary communications are handled by the network filing system in the computer. ANFS asks the bridge which network number it is on when the machine is first powered on. This is so that the user can type *I AM 1.254 USER when he is on network 1. ANFS knows that the current network number is 1 so before sending the packet it changes the network number to 0. There are four messages that can be sent to the bridge with control bytes &80 to &83. Two of them are particularly useful. These are the 'what net' and the 'is net' calls. The 'what net' asks the bridge what the number of the local network is. The packet to broadcast is: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &82 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | &9C | 2 +-----------------------------+ | &FFFF | 4 +-----------------------------+ | "BRIDGE" | 10 +-----------------------------+ | reply port | 11 +-----------------------------+ | &00 | 12 +-----------------------------+ The remote bridge's reply packet will be 2 bytes long containing the local network number and the version of the software running in the bridge. The other useful message that can be sent to a bridge is the 'is net' packet. This call is used to ask the bridge if it knows about network N, the bridge will perform a four-way handshake if the bridge number is held in its internal table otherwise the bridge will not reply. The broadcast packet is: 0 +-----------------------------+ | &83 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | &9C | 2 +-----------------------------+ | &FFFF | 4 +-----------------------------+ | "BRIDGE" | 10 +-----------------------------+ | reply port | 11 +-----------------------------+ | N | 12 +-----------------------------+ The most obvious use of the above call is to find out the numbers of all other networks available. The BASIC program below does just this: 10 REM Find out what other networks are available 20 REM (C) 1986, A.J.Engeham, SJ Research 30 REM __________________________________________ 40 50 DIM blk% 100,tx_blk% 20,buffer% 100 60 70 osword=&FFF1: osbyte = &FFF1 80 reply_port=&8A:retries=10 90 PROCset_up_rx 100 110 FOR bridge%=1 TO 127 120 FOR dummy% =1 TO 3 130 PROCbroadcast(bridge%) 140 NEXT 150 160 dummy%=0 170 REPEAT 180 dummy%=dummy%+1 190 UNTIL dummy%=retries OR FNpoll_rx 200 210 IF FNpoll_rx THEN PROCdisplay(bridge%) 220 NEXT 230 PROCdelete 240 PRINT"Finished" 250 END 260 270 DEFPROCset_up_rx 280 blk%?0=0 :REM control block number: put here 290 blk%?1=&7F 300 blk%?2=reply_port 310 blk%!3=0 :REM Receive from any station 320 blk%!5=buffer% 330 blk%!9=buffer%+8 340 X%=blk%:Y%=blk% DIV 256 350 A%=&11 360 CALL osword 370 IF blk%?0=0 THEN PRINT"Can't open a Rx block":END 380 ENDPROC Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-44 SJresearch 390 400 DEFFNpoll_rx 410 A%=&33 420 X%=blk%?0 :REM Get the rx block number 430 =((USRosbyte) AND &8000)<>0 440 450 DEFPROCbroadcast(network%) 460 LOCAL redo 470 redo=5 480 490 REPEAT 500 tx_blk%?0=&83 510 tx_blk%?l=&9C :REM Broadcast on port &9C 520 tx_blk%!2=&FFFF :REM Broadcast operation 530 $(tx_blk%+4)="BRIDGE" 540 tx_blk%?10=reply_port 550 tx_blk%?11=network% 560 X%=tx_blk%:Y%=tx_blk% DIV 256 570 A%=&10:CALL osword 580 A%=&32 590 REM Wait for completion 600 X%=FNpoll_tx 610 redo=redo-1 620 UNTIL redo=0 OR X%=&40 OR X%=&43 OR X%=&44 OR X%=0 630 IF X%>0 THEN PRINT"Broadcast failed, error £"; ~X%:PROCdelete:END 640 ENDPROC 650 660 DEFPROCdelete 670 REM delete a receive block 680 A%=&34 690 X%=blk%?0 700 CALL osbyte 710 ENDPROC 720 730 DEFFNpoll_tx 740 REPEAT UNTIL NOT ((USRosbyte) AND &8000) 750 =(((USRosbyte) AND &FF00) DIV &100) 760 770 DEFPROCdisplay(no%) 780 PRINT"Found network ";no% 790 PROCdelete 800 PROCset_up_rx 810 ENDPROC 10.19 Printers ========================================================================== The protocol used by SJ Research to locate named printer resources is an adaptation of the protocol used by Acorn (and implemented in ANFS). The extra complexity is introduced by the possibility of having multiple printers at the same station, such that the printer server has to keep track of the current printer selection for each user. The printer status protocol is used: a status request is broadcast, containing the name of the printer desired, and the station making the broadcast can chose which of the responding servers to select. Print Server Status Enquiry Protocol ------------------------------------ Client to Print Server Port &9F Data - Data+5 6 character printer name padded with spaces Date+6 - Data+7 Two byte reason code (=1 for print status enquiry, =6 for printer name) Print Server to Client Port &9E Data 1 byte status report Data+1 - Data+2 Two byte station number of machine with which the server is busy Bits 0-2 of the status byte give the status of the client's input to the printer via the network. Bits 3-4 give the status of the output from the print server to the printer. Bits 5-7 are reserved for future use and currently return zero. Currently defined status values are: Input 0 - Ready 1 - Busy 2 - Jammed (general software problem) 3 - Jammed, due to printer offline (general hardware problem) 4 - Jammed, due to disc full, directory full or similar 5 - User not authorised to use printer 6 - Spooler going offline / operator has barred input 7 - Reserved Output 0 - ready 1 - Printer offline 2 - Printer jammed (ie has not accepted data for a long time) Typical responses include: 00000 - Normal OK status 01000 - Printer offline, but spooler still accepting data 00100 - Printer OK, but disc temporarily full 01100 - Printer offline, disc full Print drivers should poll the printer as usual and proceed only if (status AND 7)=0. Issue 1st August 1991 10-45 SJresearch Printed data protocol --------------------- Data for printing is sent to the print server in packets, using port &D1. Each packet has a maximum length of 80 bytes. All packets received by the print server (including logon/logoff packets) are acknowledged by sending a packet back to the client, when the server is ready to receive the next data packet. These ack packets are sent on port &D1, and are 1 byte long (this byte contains no information). All packets have a sequence number in bit 0 of the control code. The purpose of this is to discard duplicate packets, which occur due to fundamental problem with networks. It is possible for a packet to be sent and received correctly, but the transmitter failed (and so tries again) while the receiver is unaware of the problem and receives both copies as good packets. The solution is to attach a sequence number to each packet, and when two packets are received with the same sequence number, the second can be discarded. It turns out that a single bit is the control code: when repeating packets after a failed transmit, the sequence numbers should be kept the same. Ack packets are sent with the same sequence number as the data packet being acknowledged: when waiting for an ack packet, any that arrive with a different sequence number from the last data packet should be ignored. A client logs on to the print server by sending a data packet to the print server with the control code = &82. This packet should contain one byte, value zero (although there is a bug in Acorn NFS whereby a number of Ctrl-C characters may be sent in front of the zero). Further packets follow, containing the data to be printed, with a control code = &80+sequence. The client logs off by sending a packet with control code = &84+sequence bit. This packet may contain print data, but the last byte is discarded (it is assumed to be the Ctrl-C from a BBC micro). Problems with printing ---------------------- With NFS 3.34 printing anything other than straight text is not guaranteed. This is because it is not possible to send the characters 2 and 3 to the printer without them being interpreted specially, even by using VDU 1. There is another problem with the NFS inserting extra 'null' characters into the print stream. With NFS 3.60 the above print protocol has been devised which allows any character to be sent to the Print Server, thus allowing graphics dumps to be printed. When using the Econet Print Server it is necessary to understand the concept of logging-on and -off (the same as with an FS). Basically VDU 2 logs on, and VDU 3 logs off: on non-spooling Print Servers (eg the Acorn PS ROM, some SJ File Servers) logging-on has the effect of 'locking-out' other users so that they get a 'Not listening' error. Logging-on also has the effect of printing a banner, including possibly time of printing and the user's name, whilst log on & off flushes the print buffer and sends a form-feed. Therefore these two commands should not be used to enable/disable output to a printer (when some characters must go to to screen but not the printer), even though this works OK with a local printer. To enable/disable printer output after a VDU 2, use *FX3,4 to disable the printer and *FX3,0 to enable it again. See page 442 of the BBC User Guide. Issue 1st August 1991 10-45 SJresearch 10.20 File Server Interface ========================================================================== Introduction ------------ This section deals with the interfaces through which clients (station users and user programs) can interact with the File Server. The interfaces allow a client to manipulate the filestore, to gather information about files, directories, other users of the file server and about the configuration of the file server. The BBC microcomputer uses the fileserver interface for all filing system operations, including '*' commands, LOAD and SAVE. When a command is sent from the BBC microcomputer to the file server, it will first be converted to transmit packets. For example if the line *I AM 0.235 TONY was typed, this would first set my fileserver number to 235 on my local network. It would then convert the string to a fileserver packet with a function code of 0 (OSCLI command) and send the packet using a control byte of &80 on port &90. The file server expects all commands to be send to it on port &90, the network filing system ROM in the BBC will specify port &99 for the file servers to reply. Once the BBC microcomputer has finished sending the data, the fileserver will send a reply packet. For a logon packet this will contain three context handles and a boot option. The NFS ROM in the BBC will convert these to its own internal format. Conventions and Abbreviations ----------------------------- All numbers used are given in decimal except where prefixed by '&' to indicate hexadecimal notation. CR is used as an abbreviation for 'carriage return', character &0D. The User Environment -------------------- A client is identified and authenticated to the file server by its station number and three HANDLES. These handles are created by the file server by opening directories, and identify to the file server the environment in which to interpret commands and to look-up filenames presented by the client The handles are created by the file server when a user logs on and are closed when the user logs off again. The three handles which comprise the user environment are: The Currently Selected Directory (CSD) - the directory in which to look up all filenames which do not refer explicitly to another directory. The User Root Directory (URD) - the directory where a user is placed after logging-on and where he is returned after a *DIR command. On SJ Research fileservers, the character '&' can be used to specify the URD within commands. The Library (LIB) - the directory where unrecognised commands are looked up if the filename is not found in the CSD. Usually the client machine software deals with the manipulation of these handles; but it is possible for a user to define his own environment by opening several directories, and declaring a set of these handles as representing the current environment. This enables the user to execute a command in a number of different environments. Almost all file server commands need these three handles to be transmitted as part of the information. File Server Function Codes -------------------------- These calls will be used for all communication with the file server. If these calls are made directly to the file server, in particular *DIR and *I AM, then it is possible that the software will not work with all versions of the NFS ROM, in particular the ANFS, because the filing system ROM will not be able to update its workspace. The control block outlined below is always sent to your currently selected fileserver; to change your fileserver number use the OSWORD call with A=&13, reason code=1. Listed under each File Server call is the packet to be sent to the fileserver. The most convenient way to send packets to the fileserver is by use of OSWORD A=&14, which automatically inserts context handles and controls the packet transmission/reception. To use this call, a standard header must be added to the other information, as shown below. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-47 SJresearch On Entry -------- A=&14 The NFS must be the current filing system. YX point to the address of the transmit control block, which is shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (n) | 2 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 3 +-----------------------------+ | FS Function code | 4 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 7 +-----------------------------+ | Rest of FS transmit block | n +-----------------------------+ When the File Server call is made, the NFS ROM modifies the control block, as shown below, before sending it to the file server. This allows the user to communicate with the File Server without having to know his context handles, or which port he should communicate with the File Server on. Bytes 0 to 7 are referenced throughout this section as the transmit block. Bytes 2 to n are the bytes that are actually sent through the network, to the File Server. 0 +-----------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (n) | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Reply port | 3 +-----------------------------+ | FS Function code | 4 +-----------------------------+ |User's Root Directory context| |handle in File Server format | 5 +-----------------------------+ |Currently Selected Directory | |context handle in File Server| | format | 6 +-----------------------------+ | Currently Selected Library | |context handle in File Server| | format | 7 +-----------------------------+ | Rest of FS transmit block | n +-----------------------------+ On Exit ------- A,X,Y undefined The transmit control block is replaced by the receive control block shown below: 0 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged: 0 | 1 +-----------------------------+ | Unchanged: | | Size of transmitted block | 2 +-----------------------------+ | Command Code | 3 +-----------------------------+ | Return Code | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Rest of FS receive block | n +-----------------------------+ Bytes 0 to 3 are referenced throughout this section as the receive block. Bytes 2 onwards are the bytes that are actually returned by the file server. The command code indicates to the client what action (if any) the client should take upon receiving this response. The return code is an indication to the client of any error status which has arisen, as a result of attempting to execute the command. A return code of zero indicates that the command step completed successfully; otherwise the return code is the error number indicating what error has occurred. If the return code is non-zero, then the remainder of the message contains an ASCII string terminated by a carriage return, which describes the error. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-48 SJresearch Summary of File Server Calls ---------------------------- Function code Description 0 Command line decoding 1 Save 2 Load 3 Examine 4 Catalogue header (Acorn only) 5 Load as command 6 Open file 7 Close file 8 Get byte 9 Put byte 10 Get bytes 11 Put bytes 12 Read random access information 13 Set random access information 14 Read disc name information 15 Read logged on users 16 Read date/time 17 Read EOF (end of file) information 18 Read object information 19 Set object information 20 Delete object 21 Read user environment 22 Set user's boot option 23 Logoff 24 Read user information 25 Read file server version number 26 Read file server free space 27 Create directory, specifying size 28 Set time/date 29 Create file of specified size 30 Read user free Space (Acorn only) 31 Set user free Space (Acorn only) 32 Read client user identifier 33 Read Users Extended 34 User Info Extended 35 Copy Data 36 Server Management (Acorn only) 37 38 Save file 32-bit 39 Create file 32-bit 40 Load file 32-bit 41 Get 32-bit random access information 42 Set 32-bit random access information 43 Get Bytes 32-bit 44 Put Bytes 32-bit 45 Examine 32-bit 46 Open Object 32-bit 64 Read account information (SJ Research only) 65 Read/write system information (SJ Research only) 66 Read encryption key (SJ Research only) 67 Write Backup (SJ Research only) Command Line Decoding Function code=0 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- A number of the operations performed by the file server are initiated by the sending of a command line. The function code of zero indicates to the file server that such a command line has been received. All command line type exchanges have the same format: Client (command port): 0 +-----------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-----------------------------+ | Command line terminated by | | a CR | n +-----------------------------+ File Server (reply port): 0 +-----------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-----------------------------+ | Command dependant results | n +-----------------------------+ If the command requires more action by the client, then the command code indicates what command line the file server has decoded. The file server will also return any decoded parameters or data which the client will need to complete the command. The possible command codes that the file server may return are: 0 No Action, command complete 1 *Save 2 *Load 3 *Cat 4 *Info, *Printer, *Printout 5 *I AM 6 *SDisc (Acorn only) 7 *Dir, *SDisc (SJ Research only) 8 Unrecognised command 9 *Lib Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-49 SJresearch Description of returned command codes ------------------------------------- The following receive blocks are the result of command line decoding done by the file server. Any context handles returned by the file server are in file server internal format. *SAVE Command code 1 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &01 = SAVE | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 15 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ The protocol then continues with function code 1. *LOAD Command code 2 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &02 = LOAD | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit File load address | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Flag: if &FF then load | | address is defined | 9 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ The protocol then continues with function code 2. *CAT Command code 3 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &03 = CAT | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Decoded directory leafname | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ *INFO Command code 4 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &04 = INFO | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ |Character string of information| | terminated by &80 | n +-------------------------------+ This reply can be used for anything that wants the client to display a simple string, such as *INFO, *PRINTER, *PRINTOUT. *I AM Command code 5 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &05 = I AM | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | URD handle | 5 +-------------------------------+ | CSD handle | 6 +-------------------------------+ | LIB handle | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Boot option in 4 least | | significant bits | 8 +-------------------------------+ *SDISC Command code 6 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &06 = SDISC | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | URD handle | 5 +-------------------------------+ | CSD handle | 6 +-------------------------------+ | LIB handle | 7 +-------------------------------+ *DIR Command code 7 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &07 = DIR | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | CSD handle | 5 +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-50 SJresearch Unrecognised command Command code 8 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &08 = COMMAND | 3 +-------------------------------+ |Command string terminated by CR| n +-------------------------------+ *LIB Command code 9 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &09 = LIB | 3 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | LIB handle | 5 +-------------------------------+ Note that CSD, URD and LIB handles returned by the File Server are not suitable for selecting with OSWORD A=&13 as the NFS maps these onto a set of internal handles. Hence these commands should usually be issued via the operating system. SAVE Function code=1 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call makes a request to save a file. This call will be made following a *SAVE command line sent to the file server (used by the Acorn SYSTEMs and Atoms). The BBC and later computers interpret the parameters to a *SAVE command internally and will enter the protocol by issuing a save with function code 1. Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Standard Transmit block | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data acknowledge port | 5 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | CSD handle | 6 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | LIB handle | 7 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 11 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 15 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 18 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data port | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Maximum data block size | 6 +-------------------------------+ |File leafname terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-51 SJresearch The client and file server now enter the 'data exchange phase' of the protocol, where the file server acknowledges the receipt of each data packet. If there is no data to be sent (eg a zero length file) then this phase is omitted. If the file server detects an error during the data transfer phase (eg a disc error), then the 'data exchange phase' is allowed to complete but the SAVE operation is aborted. The error status is returned in the return code of the 'final acknowledge'. Because the data is not transferred on the command port the following data must be sent by direct transmissions to the file server. Client (data port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | A block of data, up to the | | maximum data block size | n +-------------------------------+ File server (data acknowledge port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 1 +-------------------------------+ When the final data block has been received by the file server, the 'data acknowledge' is replaced by the 'final acknowledge', which is the terminating packet of the protocol. File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Command code | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Return code | 2 +-------------------------------+ |Access byte in standard format | 3 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 5 +-------------------------------+ LOAD Function code=2 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call makes a request to load a file. This call will be made following a *LOAD command line sent to the file server (used by the Acorn SYSTEMS and Atoms). The BBC and later computers interpret the paramters to a *LOAD command internally and will enter the protocol by issuing a load with function code 2. This call will not work via OSWORD A=&14. Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Standard Transmit block | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data port | 5 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | CSD handle | 6 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | LIB handle | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 15 +-------------------------------+ | File access, as for SAVE | 16 +-------------------------------+ |File creation date, as for SAVE| 18 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-52 SJresearch If the file is of zero length then the 'data transfer' phase is omitted. If the file server detects an error (eg disc error), then the required amount of data will be sent but its data content is undefined. Because the data is not transferred on the command port the following data must be sent and received by direct transmission and reception. Data is transmitted until 'file size' data has been sent. File server (data acknowledge port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Data block | n +-------------------------------+ Client (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Examine Function code=3 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns information about files in a particular directory. The detail of the information is dependent on the value of ARG. This call is used to generate the *CAT listing. 0 - All information, machine readable format 1 - All information, character string 2 - File title only 3 - File title and access, character string 4 - All information, machine readable format, with 32-bit file sizes On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Entry pointer to directory | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries to examine | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Directory pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ The directory entry pointer gives the entry number within the directory from which to examine. Conventionally the first entry in a directory is entry number zero. The number of entries to examine specifies how many entries are to be examined, so is usually determined by the buffer space available to the client. A parameter of zero in this case conventionally demands that all entries in the directory from the entry point to the end of the directory be examined. On an SJ Research File Server if 0 entries are requested then no entries are returned. Where information is returned in character string format, individual entries are delimited by zero bytes (&00), the final entry being terminated by a negative byte (&80). Carriage returns may occur within such strings. Where data is returned in machine readable format, the entries consist of a defined number of bytes; and so there are no delimiters between entries although the final entry is terminated by a negative byte. Issue 14 June 1989 10-53 SJresearch On exit ------- If ARG=0 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Object's title, | | padded with spaces | 16 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit load address | 20 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit execution address | 24 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 25 +-------------------------------+ | Date object created | 27 +-------------------------------+ | System Internal Name (SIN) or | | 27: Main Account Number | | 28: b0-b3: main account b8-b11| | 28: b4-b7: aux account b8-b11 | | 29: Auxiliary account number | 30 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit object length | 33 +-------------------------------+ |Next object as above bytes 5-32| n +-------------------------------+ Note that the Acorn file server will return its system name in bytes 27 to 30. If an entry in the print queue has been examined then the access D/r is a /spl file and an access D/wr is a /prt file. If ARG=1 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Character string of all | | information | n +-------------------------------+ This call returns the data used in the *EX listing. If ARG=2 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 6 +-------------------------------+ |10 (object name length for BBC)| 7 +-------------------------------+ |Object name padded with spaces | 17 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=3 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 6 +-------------------------------+ |10 (object name length for BBC)| 7 +-------------------------------+ | Object name padded with to | | ten characters with spaces, | | followed by formatted access | | string, terminated with &00 | 17 +-------------------------------+ This call returns the data used in the *CAT listing. If ARG=4 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 6 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit load address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit execution address | 14 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit object length | 18 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 19 +-------------------------------+ | Returns &00 | 20 +-------------------------------+ | Date object created | 22 +-------------------------------+ | Returns &00000000 | | Probably | | System Internal Name (SIN) | 26 +-------------------------------+ | Returns &00000000 | 30 +-------------------------------+ | File name padded with spaces | 40 +-------------------------------+ |Next object as above bytes 5-39| +-------------------------------+ Issue 14 June 1989 10-54 SJresearch Catalogue Header Function code=4 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns the data used in the header of the *CAT command on Atom and SYSTEMs. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Directory pathname, | | terminated by CR. | | CR returns information for CSD| n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Leafname of directory, padded | | with spaces | 14 +-------------------------------+ | Ownership string, usually | | PUB or OWN | 17 +-------------------------------+ | Space character | 18 +-------------------------------+ | Disk name padded with spaces | 31 +-------------------------------+ | CR | 32 +-------------------------------+ | &80 terminator | 33 +-------------------------------+ The string from byte 4 to the terminator is displayed as the *CAT header on the Atom and SYSTEMs. This call is only fully supported by File Servers that support the Systems 3/4/5 and Atoms. Load as Command Function Code=5 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- The remainder of this protocol is exactly as for function code 2 (LOAD), except the file name is looked up first in the CSD, and if not found then, also in LIB. It is used for loaded '*' commands. The error returned if the file name is not found in either directory is 'Bad command'. On an SJ Research File Server function code=1 is equivalent to function code=5 except for run-only users. On entry -------- Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Standard Transmit block | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data port | 5 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | CSD handle | 6 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | LIB handle | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 15 +-------------------------------+ | File access, as for SAVE | 16 +-------------------------------+ |File creation date, as for SAVE| 18 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Issue 14 June 1989 10-55 SJresearch Find (OPEN) Function Code=6 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function code creates a handle for the object specified, with the access type requested. Such handles are used for performing random access operations and also for manipulating the user's environment. An object will be opened only if the client has the necessary access rights to the object. A file can be opened several times for reading only, but only once for update. A file will be created if: 1: The file does not exist 2: The file is opened for update On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : create a new file, delete| | data in any existing file| | <>0: object must already exist| 8 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : open object for update | | <>0: open object for read only| 9 +-------------------------------+ | Object name, terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Handle | 5 +-------------------------------+ CLOSE Function Code=7 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function indicates to the file server that the handle passed as argument is no longer needed, and that all of the updated data in the file should be written out to the disc. A handle of zero indicates to the file server that all handles to open FILES are to be closed. This call does not close handles to directories. Note that the handle is a File Server format handle. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 14 June 1989 10-55 SJresearch RANDOM ACCESS ============= The next four function codes deal with the facilities that the file server provides to enable the user to perform random access operations on open files. These operations have an additional protocol to ensure the integrity of the data exchanged, provided by a SEQUENCE NUMBER. The sequence number is a single bit, held in both client station and file server, which differentiates between successive reads of a file using the pointer held in the file server, and repeated reads of the same byte because the operation failed at the first attempt. The sequence number is sent in the least significant bit of the flag byte of the Econet control block. The file server will return its copy of the sequence number with the data to allow the client to detect data sequencing errors. The client should invert the local copy of the sequence number after every successful transaction with the file server. If the client detects a data packet with the incorrect sequence number then the client should be prepared to repeat the request BGET Function Code=8 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function code reads a byte from the file at the position specified by the file server's internal file pointer. Note that the handle is a File Server format handle. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | byte read, &FE if reading | | first byte after file end | 5 +-------------------------------+ | flag byte | | &00: normal read operation | | &80: last byte in the file | | &C0: first byte after file end| 6 +-------------------------------+ BPUT Function Code=9 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function code writes a single byte to the file at the position indicated by the file server's internal file pointer. Note that the handle is a File Server format handle. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Byte to be written | 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 14 June 1989 10-57 SJresearch GetBytes and PutBytes Function Code=10 and 11 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- These operations allow the client to access blocks of data. The client may supply an offset within the file at which to start the operation, or may use the sequential file pointer maintained by the file server. The protocol includes a sequence number as described for BGET and BPUT. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (n) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Reply port | 3 +-------------------------------+ | FS Function code | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data acknowledge port | 5 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | CSD handle | 6 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | LIB handle | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : use supplied offset | |<>0: use FS sequential pointer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit number of bytes | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file offset | | (if supplied) | 15 +-------------------------------+ Reply to the first call is: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data port | | (function code 11 only) | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Maximum data block size | | (function code 11 only) | 7 +-------------------------------+ The data transfer phase is exactly as described for LOAD and SAVE. For transfers of zero data these steps are not executed. If a read extends over the end of the file then the requested amount of data will be returned, but the number of valid data bytes will be less than the amount of data requested. The remaining data is undefined. On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00 = all ok | | &80 = read includes last byte | | in file | | (Value undefined for PutBytes)| 5 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit number of valid data | | bytes transferred | 8 +-------------------------------+ Issue 14 June 1989 10-58 SJresearch Read Random Access Information Function Code=12 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function call allows the client to discover information about files that are currently open. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Action | | 0: sequential file pointer | | (PTR#, OSARGS 0) | | 1: file extent | | (EXT#, OSARGS 2) | | 2: file size (space allocated | | for the file, OSARGS 4) | 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit information requested | | (low byte first) | 7 +-------------------------------+ Set Random Access Information Function Code=13 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function call allows the client to set information about files for that are currently open. Setting the extent and the space allocated to a file is not supported on some File Servers. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Action | | 0: sequential file pointer | | (PTR#, OSARGS 1) | | 1: file extent | | (EXT#, OSARGS 3) | | 2: file size (space allocated | | for the file, OSARGS 6) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit information to set | | (low byte first) | 12 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 14 June 1989 10-59 SJresearch Read Disc Information Function Code=14 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function returns the disc configuration of the file server. Conventionally the first drive in the file server has drive number zero. If the number of drives to interrogate is zero then the file server will return information on all drives in the system. It is not necessary to be logged on to read this information. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | First drive number | 8 +-------------------------------+ |Number of drives to interrogate| 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of drives found | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Drive number of first drive | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Disk name padded with spaces | 22 +-------------------------------+ | Drive number of second drive | 23 +-------------------------------+ etc. Read Current Users Function Code=15 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function returns the currently logged-on users of the file server, their station numbers and associated privileges. Conventionally the logged-on user entries start at zero. A request for zero entries will return information for all users, commencing at the start entry. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | First user number | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Number of users to return | 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Machine number of first user | | (low byte, high byte) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | User name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ | User privilege | | 0 : User not privileged | | <>0: User privileged | n+1 +-------------------------------+ etc. Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-60 SJresearch Read Date and Time Function Code=16 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- It is not necessary to be logged on to the file server to use this function code. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Date in standard format | | 1st byte (low 5 bits): days | | 1st byte (top 3 bits): | | (year-1981) DIV 16 | | 2nd byte (top 4 bits): | | (year-1981) MOD 16 | | 2nd byte (low 4 bits): month | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Time in standard format | | 1st byte: hours | | 2nd byte: minutes | | 3rd byte: seconds | 9 +-------------------------------+ If the File Server has no date capability, both date bytes will be returned as zero. If the hours byte is greater than 23 or the minutes or seconds byte are greater than 60 the File Server has no time capability. Conventionally in this case the three time bytes will be returned as &FF. A simple test from BASIC is to use noclock=(time% AND &C0C0E0)<>0. The Acorn Level 2 File Server without a time board returns the three time bytes set to 0. Beware that software can misinterpret this result by reading the time at midnight and deducing that no time board is attached. Read End-of-file Status Function Code=17 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This function is valid for file handles only. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | File handle | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00: file pointer within file | | &FF: file pointer outside file| 5 +-------------------------------+ Issue 1st August 1991 10-61 SJresearch Read Object Information Function Code=18 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns detailed information about a file or directory. The File Server calls with ARG=7 and ARG=8 are only supported on some servers. ARG=64 and ARG=65 are only supported on the SJ Research file server. RISC OS 32-bit capable NetFS tests for 32-bit support by making a call with ARG=&BC, filename="",&00 or or with ARG=&BC, filename="$$",. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | | 1: Object creation date | | 2: Load and execute address | | 3: Object 24-bit extent | |(For Acorn, file size when file| | open=extent when file closed) | | 4: Access byte as for EXAMINE| | (and ownership byte if | | vers>=1.01) | | 5: All object attributes | | 6: Access and cycle number of| | directory | | 7: Read SIN | | 8: Read 32-bit information | | 64: Creation and update date | | 65: Account numbers | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Object pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- If ARG=1 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 6 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=2 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 13 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=3 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 8 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=4 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 6 +-------------------------------+ | &00:Owner, &FF:Public | 7 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=5 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 13 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 16 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 17 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 19 +-------------------------------+ | &00:Owner, &FF:Public | 20 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=6 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Undefined | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Length of disk name=0 | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Length of directory name=10 | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Directory name padded with | | spaces | 17 +-------------------------------+ | &00:Owner, &FF:Public | 18 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 19 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=7 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Disc number | 6 +-------------------------------+ | System Internal Name (SIN) | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Server disc number | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Server filing system number | 11 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=8 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 13 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file size | 17 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 18 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 20 +-------------------------------+ | &00:Owner, <>&00:Public | 21 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=64 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Creation date in standard | | format | | 1st byte (low 5 bits): days | | 1st byte (top 3 bits): | | (year-1981) DIV 16 | | 2nd byte (top 4 bits): | | (year-1981) MOD 16 | | 2nd byte (low 4 bits): month | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Creation time in standard | | format | | 1st byte: hours | | 2nd byte: minutes | | 3rd byte: seconds | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Modification date in standard | | format | | 1st byte (low 5 bits): days | | 1st byte (top 3 bits): | | (year-1981) DIV 16 | | 2nd byte (top 4 bits): | | (year-1981) MOD 16 | | 2nd byte (low 4 bits): month | 12 +-------------------------------+ | Modification time in standard | | format | | 1st byte: hours | | 2nd byte: minutes | | 3rd byte: seconds | 15 +-------------------------------+ If ARG=65 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Main account number | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Auxilary account number | 9 +-------------------------------+ Write Object Information Function Code=19 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to set the attributes for a file or directory. This call is used by OSFILE. Note that ARG=64 is only supported by the SJ Research file server. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | | 1: Set load/exec/access | | (OSFILE 1) | | 2: Set load address | | (OSFILE 2) | | 3: Set exec address | | (OSFILE 3) | | 4: Set access | | (OSFILE 4) | | 5: Set creation date | | 64: Set creation and update | | time and date | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Object pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- If ARG=1 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 1st August 1991 10-63 SJresearch Delete Object Function Code=20 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is used to delete an object and is used by OSFILE. It is not possible to use wildcards with this call. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Object pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 15 +-------------------------------+ Read User Environment Function Code=21 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns your current position on the file server, On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Length of disk name (16) | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Disc name padded with spaces | 21 +-------------------------------+ | Name of CSD padded with spaces| 31 +-------------------------------+ | Name of LIB padded with spaces| 41 +-------------------------------+ Set User Boot Option Function Code=22 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call writes your boot option to the password file. This call is used by *OPT 4. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Boot option | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 1st August 1991 10-64 SJresearch User log-off Function Code=23 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is equivalent to a *BYE packet to the fileserver, except that it closes open print files as well. The File Server, on receiving the command, removes the station number from its internal table, closes all file handles and context handles open for that station number. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Read User Information Function Code=24 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns the first station number in its user table that matches the user identifier provided. Note that on an SJ Research file server the station number returned will always be the machine which the user most recently used, this is not the case with the Acorn file server. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | User name, terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : unprivileged | | <>0: privileged | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Station number | | (low byte, high byte) | n +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-64 SJresearch Read FS Version String Function Code=25 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns a version number string. It is not necessary to be logged onto the file server to do this call. This function is used in the SJ Research library utility FSLIST. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Character string describing | | file server version number, | | terminated with . | n +-------------------------------+ The returned string is normally in the format: "SJ Research File Server ver 2.00/MDFS" start of string: "SJ", "Acorn", etc end of string: "MDFS", "HDFS", "FDFS", etc. Read FS Free Space Function Code=26 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call returns the size and current amount of free space on a file server disc. This call is used by the library utility *FREE. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit free space on disk | | in 256-byte blocks | | (low byte first) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit disk size | | in 256-byte blocks | | (low byte first) | 10 +-------------------------------+ Returns X%?2=0 if only free space returned X%?2=1 if free space and disk size returned Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-66 SJresearch Create Directory Function code=27 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call creates a directory specifying the number of blocks, for the file server, to allocate to that directory. One block is 256 bytes. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Number of 256-byte blocks to | | allocate | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Directory name, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Set Real time clock Function code=28 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This System privileged command allows the Date and Time to be set, and is used in the Library utility program 'settime'. This command is normally privileged on SJ Research File Servers, but this may be changed, by using function code 65. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Date in standard format | | 1st byte (low 5 bits): days | | 1st byte (top 3 bits): | | (year-1981) DIV 16 | | 2nd byte (top 4 bits): | | (year-1981) MOD 16 | | 2nd byte (low 4 bits): month | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Time in standard format | | 1st byte: hours | | 2nd byte: minutes | | 3rd byte: seconds | 12 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-67 SJresearch Create file Function code=29 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This follows the same protocol as Command code 1, 'SAVE'. However the data transfer phase is omitted. The result is that a requested amount of space is reserved for a file, the data therein being undefined. This call is not supported on early versions of File Server software. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 11 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 15 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit file size | 18 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Read User Free Space Function code=30 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call is the Acorn file server call to read a users free space, the call is the equivalent of the SJ Research accounting system (detailed in function code 64). On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | User identifier for free | | space interrogation, | | terminated by . A null | | user identifier means return | | information about this client | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit free space for user | | in 256-byte blocks | | (low byte first) | 7 +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-68 SJresearch Set User Free Space Function code=31 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- The function sets the amount of space available for a user identifier. The function is only legal for system privileged users. The user identifier is that of the client whose space allocation is to be ammended. This call is only implemented on Acorn File Servers. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | 24-bit new amount of free | | space for user in 256-byte | | blocks | | (low byte first) | 10 +-------------------------------+ | User identifier for free | | space interrogation, | | terminated by . | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Read Client User ID Function code=32 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- Reads the username which you used to log on to the File Server with. This call is not supported on early version of File Server software. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | User identifier, terminated | | by . | n +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-69 SJresearch Read Users Extended Function code=33 ========================================================================== User Info Extended Function code=34 ========================================================================== Copy Data Function code=35 ========================================================================== Acorn Server Management Function code=36 ========================================================================== FSOp 37 Function code=37 ========================================================================== Save Object 32-bit Function Code=38 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit extended version of Save Object. Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (n) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | reply port | 3 +-------------------------------+ | 38 = FS Function code | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00,&00,&00 | | Will be replaced with | | URD,CSD,LIB | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Data acknowledge port | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 13 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 17 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file size | 21 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Data port | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Maximum data block size | 7 +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 5 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Leaf name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Create Object 32-bit Function Code=39 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit extended version of Create Object. Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (n) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | reply port | 3 +-------------------------------+ | 39 = FS Function code | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00,&00,&00 | | Will be replaced with | | URD,CSD,LIB | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Data acknowledge port | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 13 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 17 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file size | 21 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 5 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Leaf name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Load Object 32-bit Function Code=40 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit extended version of Load Object. Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Standard Transmit block | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Reply port | 8 +-------------------------------+ | File name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file load address | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file execute address | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file size | 16 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 17 +-------------------------------+ | File creation date | 19 +-------------------------------+ | Leaf name terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Read 32-bit random access information Function Code=41 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit version of Read Random Access Information. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG n | | 0: read pointer, extent, size | | (PTR#, EXT#, size | | (OSARGS 0, 2, 4) | 8 +-------------------------------+ | File handle in FS format | 9 +-------------------------------+ (This is a different order to GetRandom) On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit PTR: sequential pointer| 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit EXT: file extent | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit SIZE: space allocation | 16 +-------------------------------+ Set 32-bit random access information Function Code=42 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit version of Set Random Access Information. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Action | | 0: sequential file pointer | | (PTR#, OSARGS 1) | | 1: file extent | | (EXT#, OSARGS 3) | | 2: file size (space allocated | | for the file, OSARGS 6) | 8 +-------------------------------+ | File handle in FS format | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit information to set | 13 +-------------------------------+ (This is a different order to SetRandom) On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ GetBytes32 Function Code=43 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit extended version of GetBytes. awServer implements Function 43 as both GetBytes32 and PutBytes32. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ???? | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : use supplied offset | |<>0: use FS sequential pointer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Reply port | 10 +-------------------------------+ | File handle in FS format | 11 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes | 15 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file offset | | (if supplied) | 19 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00=all ok | | &80=includes last byte of file| 5 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes read | 9 +-------------------------------+ awServer implementation likely to be wrong ------------------------------------------ Client (command port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | 0 | 1 +-------------------------------+ | Size of whole of block (n) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | &00 - will be replaced with | | reply port | 3 +-------------------------------+ | 38 = FS Function code | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00,&00,&00 | | Will be replaced with | | URD,CSD,LIB | | URD replaced by data port | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=OSGBPB action | | 1,2: PutBytes32 | | 3,4: GetBytes32 | | also: | | File handle in FS format | | Can't be both! | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : use supplied offset | |<>0: use FS sequential pointer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes | 13 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file offset | | (if supplied) | 17 +-------------------------------+ or maybe... 8 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : use supplied offset | |<>0: use FS sequential pointer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Data acknowledge port | 10 +-------------------------------+ | File handle in FS format | 11 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes | 15 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file offset | | (if supplied) | 17 +-------------------------------+ File server (reply port): 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00=all ok | | &80=includes last byte of file| 5 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes read | 9 +-------------------------------+ PutBytes32 Function Code=44 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit extended version of PutBytes. awServer implements Function 43 as both GetBytes32 and PutBytes32. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ???? | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 0 : use supplied offset | |<>0: use FS sequential pointer | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Reply port | 10 +-------------------------------+ | File handle in FS format | 11 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes | 15 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit file offset | | (if supplied) | 19 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | &00=all ok | | &80=includes last byte of file| 5 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit number of bytes read | 9 +-------------------------------+ Examine32 Function code=45 ========================================================================== This function is the 32-bit extended version of Examine. awServer implements Function 44 as Examine32. On entry -------- Incomplete NetFS code: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Entry pointer to directory | | NetFS uses a 16-bit value | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries to examine | 10 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | | 1: All information, machine | | readable format | 11 +-------------------------------+ | Directory pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ awServer, implemented as FSOp 44: 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | | 1: All information, machine | | readable format | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 16-bit directory pointer | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries to examine | 11 +-------------------------------+ | Directory pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ Possibly this: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | Entry pointer to directory | 8 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | | 1: All information, machine | | readable format | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries to examine | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Directory pathname, | | terminated by CR | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of entries returned | 5 +-------------------------------+ | Cycle number | 6 +-------------------------------+ | ???? | 7 +-------------------------------+ | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit load address | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit execution address | 16 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit object length | 20 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 21 +-------------------------------+ | 11 bytes of information | | Probably contains: | | Date object created | | System Internal Name (SIN) | 32 +-------------------------------+ | File name padded with spaces | 42 +-------------------------------+ |Next object as above bytes 5-41| +-------------------------------+ Possibly this: 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 3 +-------------------------------+ | Owner/Public flag | 4 +-------------------------------+ | 10 = length of filename | 5 +-------------------------------+ | &00 | 6 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit load address | 10 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit execution address | 14 +-------------------------------+ | 32-bit object length | 18 +-------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 19 +-------------------------------+ | Returns &00 | 20 +-------------------------------+ | Date object created | 22 +-------------------------------+ | Returns &00000000 | | Probably | | System Internal Name (SIN) | 26 +-------------------------------+ | Returns &00000000 | 30 +-------------------------------+ | File name padded with spaces | 40 +-------------------------------+ |Next object as above bytes 5-39| +-------------------------------+ OpenObject32 Function code=46 ========================================================================== This function is the 32 bit extended version of Open Object. awServer does not implement this call. On entry -------- 0 +--------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +--------------------------------+ | 0 : create a new file, delete | | data in any existing file | | <>0: object must already exist | 8 +--------------------------------+ | 0 : open object for update | | <>0: open object for read only | 9 +--------------------------------+ | Object name, terminated by CR | n +--------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +--------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +--------------------------------+ | File handle in FS format | 5 +--------------------------------+ | 0 = object not found | | 1 = object is a file | | 2 = object is a directory | 6 +--------------------------------+ | Access byte, | | bits 7-0: M P D L W R w r | 7 +--------------------------------+ | &00:Owner, &FF:Public | 8 +--------------------------------+ | 32-bit object size | 12 +--------------------------------+ | 32-bit disk allocation | 16 +--------------------------------+ ========================================================================== Notes: Ownership is &00 vs <>&00, but lots of code explicitly tests for &00 vs &FF, so servers should return &00 and &FF. Read Account Information Function code=64 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call reads the amount of space left in an account. This call is only supported on the SJ Research file server. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG | | Bit 0: Personal account only | | Bit 1: Accounts on current | | disc only | 8 +-------------------------------+ | First account to try | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Maximum number of accounts to | | read information on | 12 +-------------------------------+ | Logical disc number | 13 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 2 +-------------------------------+ | Command Code | | &00 : Stop | | &40 : More on this disc | | &80 : Move to next disc | 3 +-------------------------------+ | Return Code &00 = Ok | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Next account to try | 6 +-------------------------------+ | Number of accounts returned | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 1st account number | 10 +-------------------------------+ | 1st account space | 12 +-------------------------------+ | 2nd account number | 14 +-------------------------------+ | 2nd account space | 16 +-------------------------------+ etc. The amount of information sent by the File Server may exceed the amount of data which can be transferred in a single exchange. The Command Code byte is used to indicate what further action the client machine should take. Read/Write System Information Function code=65 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call provides an interface to read and write the printer information and change the privilege needed to write the file server's time. All of these read calls are unprivileged commands. All the write operations are privileged. Reset print server information ------------------------------ This call is used to reset the printer information and must be issued for any of the other change printer information calls to take effect. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=0 | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Read current state of printer ----------------------------- This call returns the detailed information about a logical printer. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=1 | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Printer number 1-8 | 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Name of printer | | (padded with spaces) | 10 +-------------------------------+ | Bit 3 : Spool to disc | | Bit 2 : Account ownership | | required | | Bit 1 : Anonymous users | | allowed | | Bit 0 : Printing enabled | 11 +-------------------------------+ | Account number (only relevant | | if bit 2 of byte 10 is set) | 13 +-------------------------------+ | Banner file name, terminated | | by a CR if fewer than 23 | | characters | n +-------------------------------+ Write current state of printer ------------------------------ This call writes the detailed information about a printer, system privilege is required to do this. This call is not supported on SJ Preservers version 1.00 or greater, see ARG=16 for call to write printer information. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=2 | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Printer number 1-8 | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Name of printer | | (padded with spaces) | 15 +-------------------------------+ | Bit 3 : Spool to disc | | Bit 2 : Account ownership | | required | | Bit 1 : Anonymous users | | allowed | | Bit 0 : Printing enabled | 16 +-------------------------------+ | Account number (only relevant | | if bit 2 of byte 10 is set) | 18 +-------------------------------+ | Banner file name, terminated | | by a CR if fewer than 23 | | characters | n +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-71 SJresearch Read the AUTO printer priority ------------------------------ This call reads the order in which printers are selected for users who have not requested a particular printer. This call is not supported on SJ File Servers version 1.00 or greater. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=3 | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Number of printer entries | | available | | (current implementation = 2) | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 1st choice of printer | 8 +-------------------------------+ | 2nd choice of printer | 8 +-------------------------------+ etc. Write the AUTO printer priority ------------------------------- This call allows a privileged user to write the order in which printer are selected for users who have requested the AUTO printer. This call is not supported on SJ Fileservers version 1.00 or greater. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=4 | 8 +-------------------------------+ | Default printer 1 | 9 +-------------------------------+ | Default printer 2 | 10 +-------------------------------+ etc. On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Read system message channel --------------------------- This call returns the physical printer that all system messages are sent to. Note that the printer is a physical printer, so the parameter should be either 1 (parallel) or 2 (serial). On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=5 | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Current system message printer| 5 +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-72 SJresearch Write system message channel ---------------------------- This call allows a privileged user to set the physical printer that system messages come out of. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=6 | 8 +-------------------------------+ | New system message printer | 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Read message level ------------------ This call reads the current level of system messages. The value returned is in the range of 0 to 255. The amount of output is the level of output selected plus all the levels below that level. Therefore, in the list of levels shown to set the message level to 7 would make the file server print all logons and logoffs as well as errors. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=7 | 8 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Current message level | 5 +-------------------------------+ Message Description level 0 Off 5 Logon/logoff 7 Errors (i.e. 'Wrong password', 'bad name' etc.) 10 Maximum users and all star commands 11 Load/save 15 *Cat and opens 128 Aborted loads 130 Function codes 150 Network errors 170 Map building names 200 Disc read/write 250 All successful network transactions to and from the fileserver 255 All Activity to the JPROC processor Set message level ----------------- This call sets the message level, as described above. It should never be neccessary to set the message level to greater than 127 and that setting the message level to a value greater than 150 produces excessive output and will probably reduce the performance of the file server. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ | ARG=8 | 8 +-------------------------------+ | New message level | 9 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ Issue 29 Apr 1987 10-73 SJresearch Issued August 1989 10-73 SJresearch Read the default printer This call returns the default printer. This printer will be selected if a user starts to print without having selected a particular printer. This call is not supported on SJ preservers version 1.00 or greater. The values for the default printer are: 0 Automatic search through the list default printer priority list (set by Fn=65 ARG=4) 1 Logical printer 1 2 Logical printer 2 8 Logical printer 8 255 Hold the job output in the %PRINTQ directory. On entry, Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=9 On exit, o Receive block (shown on summary page) Current default printer Set the default printer This privileged call sets the default printer, see ARG=9 for more information about valid printer numbers. On entry, o Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=10 New default printer setting Read the privilege required to change time This call reads the privilege required to change the file servers time. The SJ Research file server normally insists on system privilege to be able to change the time. However, if it is desired to change the time frequently this can be disabled. On entry, o Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=11 On exit, o Receive block (shown on summary page) 0 - Privilege required 1 - Privilege not required Set the privilege required to change time This call sets the privilege required to change the file servers time. On entry, o Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=12 0 - Privilege required 1 - Privilege not required On exit, o Receive block (shown on summary page) On exit, o Receive block (shown on summary page) Issued August 1989 10-74 SJresearch Read printer information This call is only available on SJ File Servers version 1.00 or greater. This one call replaces the several calls previously needed to read all printer information. On entry, o 7 8 9 10 Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=15 Number of printers on which to return information Start printer number (0-15) On exit, 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 n Receive block (shown on summary page) Number of printer entries returned Printer name Status of printer 0-Off 1-Spooling 2-Non-spooling 3-Hold 4-Auto 1 -Default printer 0-Not a default printer 1 -Anonymous users allowed 0-No anonymous users allowed 1- Account number required 0-No account number required Account number (Only relevant if previous byte was 1) Output port 1 -Parallel 2-Serial or 1st choice printer no. for Auto 2nd choice printer no. for Auto Reserved Next printer (as above bytes, 5-20) Write printer information This call is only available on SJ Rle Servers version 1.00 or greater. This one call replaces the several calls previously needed write all printer information. On entry, u 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=16 Number of printers for which to write information Start printer number (0-15) Printer name Status of printer 0-Off 1 -Spooling 2-Non-spooling 3-Hold 4-Auto 1 -Default printer 0-Not a default printer 1-Anonymous users allowed 0-No anonymous users allowed 1 -Account number required 0-No account number required Account number (Only relevant if previous byte was 1 ) Output port 1 -Parallel 2-Serial or 1st choice printer no. for Auto 2nd choice printer no. for Auto Reserved Next printer (as above bytes, 10-25) On exit, o Receive block (shown on summary page) Issue 01 August 1989 10-75 SJresearch Read Encryption Key Function code=66 ========================================================================== General description ------------------- This call supplies an encryption key to use in a *I AM or a *PASS command. On entry -------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Transmit block (shown on | | summary page) | 7 +-------------------------------+ On exit ------- 0 +-------------------------------+ | Receive block (shown on | | summary page) | 4 +-------------------------------+ | Encryption Key | 7 +-------------------------------+ The encryption key allows a user to use *I AM or *PASS without their password being transmitted across the network in plain text. The passwords must be encrypted with code such as the following: \ txt must be a 32-byte area of memory \ XY points to the source string in another 32-byte area of memory \ The source strings must be space padded to 11 characters, eg \ "password " or "oldpass newpass " \ blk must be a 7-byte FSOp control block \ On entry, A=number of strings to encrpypt, 1 or 2 \ XY=>string to be encyprted \ On exit, A=0 for ok or A=error number from server \ XY=>encrypted string or error string PHA:STX zp:STY zp+1:LDY #0 :\ Point zp to input string .Lp0 LDA (zp),Y:STA txt,Y:INY :\ Copy input string to text buffer CMP #13:BNE Lp0 : LDA #0:LDX #6 .Lp1 STA blk,X:DEX:BPL Lp1 :\ Clear FSOp control block LDA #7:STA blk+1 :\ Length=7 LDA #&42:STA blk+3 :\ FSOp=&42 - Get Encryption Key LDX #blk AND255:LDY #blk DIV256:\ Point to FSOp control block LDA #&14:JSR &FFF1 :\ Fetch key to blk!4 LDX #(blk+4)AND255:LDY #(blk+4)DIV 256 :\ Point to any error LDA blk+3:BEQ noerror:RTS :\ Exit if error returned : .noerror LDY #0 :\ Point to start of text buffer .Lp2 LDA txt,Y :\ Get character from text buffer LDX #0 .Lp3 ROR A:PHA:ROR A:EOR blk+6 :\ Encrypt this character into ROL A:ROL A:ROL A:ROL A :\ encryption key EOR blk+6:ROR A:ROR A:ROR A ROL blk+4:ROL blk+5:ROL blk+6 PLA:INX:CPX #5:BCC Lp3 ROR A:CPX #5:BEQ Lp3 INY:CPY #10:BNE Lp2 :\ Loop for ten characters : LDY #0:LDX #0 LDA #ASC"$":STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Put '$' prefix into output buffer .Lp5 LDA blk+4,X:PHA:AND #&F CLC:ADC #&41:STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Store low nybble as 'A'-'P' PLA:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A CLC:ADC #&41:STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Store high nybble as 'A'-'P' INX:CPX #3:BNE Lp5 :\ Loop for three bytes of key PLA:LSR A:BCS exit :\ Exit if only one string to encrypt : LDA #ASC" ":STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Put ' ' seperator into output buffer LDA #ASC"$":STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Put another '$' prefix into buffer LDX #0 .Lp6 LDA txt,X:CMP #ASC"a":BCC Up :\ Get character from CMP #ASC"{":BCS Up:AND #&5F :\ Force to upper case .Up EOR txt+11,X:EOR #&A5 :\ Encrypt with character from PHA:AND #&F CLC:ADC #&41:STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Store low nybble as 'A'-'P' PLA:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A:LSR A CLC:ADC #&41:STA (zp),Y:INY :\ Store high nybble as 'A'-'P' INX:CPX #10:BNE Lp6 :\ Loop for ten characters of : .exit LDA #13:STA (zp),Y:LDX #20 :\ Put terminating at end of output .Lp7 STA txt,X:DEX:BPL Lp7 :\ Overwrite plaintext input string LDX zp:LDY zp+1:LDA #0:RTS :\ Return A=0, XY=string Issue 01 Jul 1997 10-76 'Write Backup General description Function code=67 This call provides an interface to read and write information necessary for an automatic backup. The call can also be used to read the tape id block. If there is no error the backup is possible. Determine whether backup is possible This call is to determine whether a tape backup is currently possible. On entry, o 7 Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=0 On exit, o 4 Receive block (shown on summary page) | Read tape id block This call reads data from the tape Id block of the tape currently loaded. On entry, o 7 8 10 12 Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=! offset from start of block number of bytes to return (should be < 128) On exit, o 4 Receive block (shown on summary page) Data from tape Id block Read current statu^ iuto backup This call returns the details of any auto backup cuaently pending. On entry, Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=2 On exit, o 4 10 11 12 22 23 33 34 44 Receive block (shown on summary )age) 0 • No backup pending 1 - Backup pending Time of backup in standard forr.) it Byte 5 (Bottom 5 bits) - Day Byte 5 (Top 3 bits ) - Years since 198' DIV 16 Byte 6 (Top 4 bits) - Years since 1981 MOD 16 Byte 6 (Bottom 4 bits) - Mont i Byte7-Hours Byte 8 - Minutes Byte 9 - Seconds Printer output 0-Off 1 - Parallel 2 - Serial Hag 0 - Old tape format 1 - New tape formal Tape name (terminated by a CR if less than 10 characters) Tape partition number n Disc name to backup (terminate%! by a CR if less than 10 character.) Tape partition number n Disc name to backup (terminated by a CR if less than 10 character!^ Terminator Issue 1st August 1991 10-77 SJ Write current status of auto backup This call is used to set an auto backup-or to cancel a previously defined aulo backup. On entry, o 14 15 16 26 27 37 . 38 48 Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARC =3 0 - Cancel backup 1 - Set a new backup (Following bytes are only relevant if setting a backup) Time of backup in standard format Byte 9 (Bottom 5 bils) • Day Byte 9 (Top 3 bits ) - Years since 1981 DIV 16 Byte 10 (Top 4 bits) - Years since 1981 MOD 16 Byte 10 (Bottom 4 bits) • Month Byte 11 - Hours Byte 12-Minutes Byte 13 -Seconds Printer output 0-Off 1 - Parallel 2 - Serial Flag 0 • Old tape format 1 - New tape format Tape name (terminated by a CR if less than 10 characters) A null name means any tape can be used Tape partition number (0..7) Disc name to backup (terminated by a CR if less than 10 characters) Tape partition number (0..7) Disc name to backup (terminated by a CR if less than 10 characters) Terminator Read tape partition size This call returns the details of any auto backup currently pending. On entry, o 7 Transmit block (shown on summary page) ARG=4 On exit, o 4 5 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 Receive block (shown on summary {'ige) Information for first partition 0 • Fixed and known exactly - partiticr size in K 1 - Streamer: size big enough for K (unused previously) 2 - Streamer: rest of tape unused: K is estimate of remaining (4 bytes) Information for second partition Information for third partition Information for forth partition Information for fifth partition Information for sixth partition Information for seventh partition Information for eighth partition N.B. These calls are only supported on the SJ Research file server. On exit, o |— 4 Receive block (shown on summary page) Issue 1st August 1991 10-78 SJ 10.?-1 Tape Id Block Format u II 12 22 24 104 "SJ Research" 0=blank l=uscd Tape name (terminated with CR if less than characters) Number of passes ASCII description terminated with CR Date and time when formatted Byte 104 (Bottom 5 bits) - Day Byte 104 (Top 3 bits ) - Years since 1 98 1 DIV Byte 105 (Top 4 bits) - Years since 1981 MOD Byte 1 05 (Bottom 4 bits) - Month Byte 106 - Hours Byte 107 - Minutes 16 16 Reserved There then follow 1-14 entries of the form u 1 11 . 15 19 Low 2 bits: 0-Blank 1-OK 2-Corrupt Bit? Set if non-MDFS disc Disc name backed up Dale and time of backup Byte 1 1 (Bottom 5 bits) - Day Byte 1 1 (Top 3 bits ) - Years since 1981 DIV Byte 12 (Top 4 bits) • Years since 1981 MOD Byte 12 (Bottom 4 bits) - Month Byte 13 - Hours Byte 14 - Minutes 16 16 Data stan block Length in K Error info Reserved 10.22 Passw d File I ormat The password file, and the user information slord by the filescrvcr, is stored in the file %FASSWORDS. The following information is included for users who to write their own password handling programs eg password disclosing. It follows the following format: 28 30 32 64 128 192 256 n (n+64) Entry number of 1 st user entry \' th .the first character less than 'A Entry number of 1st user entry wit the first character as 'A' or 'B' Entry number of 1 si user entry w i th the first character as 'C or 'D' Entry number of 1st user entry w i Ji the first character greater than ".'.' Entry number of the default usn Not used 1st User entry 2nd User entry 3rd User entry Terminating User entry (Filled with f-.FF) URD names and Libraries (pointed ,<> by the user entry) Each a maximum o: 30 characters terminated by a CR Issue 1st August 1991 10-79 SJ Each user;r •• (occuring in the password file every 64 bytes) has the following fc 10 20 21 22 25 28 30 31 32 64 User Identifier (Terminated by a if less than 10 characters) Top bit must be masked out using AND &7F Password (Terminated by a if less than 10 characters) Top bit must be masked out using AND &7F Boot option Flag bit 0 = Password unlocked bit 1 = System privileged bit 2 = No short SAVEs bit 3 = Permanent 'ENABLE bit 4 = Acom style Library bit 5 = Run only user bit 6 = Can't change auxiliary account Offset from start of file to user's Root Directory Set to 0 if URD is normal Offset from start of file to user's Lib. Directory Set to 0 if LIB is normal Personal account number (0 = no personal account) Bit map of high numbered accounts bitO,&600-&63F bit?, &7CO-&7FF Reserved Bit map of account ownership bit 0, byte 0=Account 0 bit 7, byte & 1 F=Account 255 The top bits of the User Identifier and the Password hold a bit map of ownership to high numbered accounts. bit 0, byte 0=Accounts &100-&13F bit 7, byte 19=Accounts &5CO-&5FF Setting the 'run only user' bit limits that user to calls 5,14,16,23,25,65, and 66, and commands *SDISC, *DIR, *LIB, •BYEand'IAM. This information is not available on Acom File Servers. 10.23 Applica 'm Notes Topics covered: OSARGS Filenames Econet Workspace MASTER configuration Zero page workspace Use of OS workspace (or, How to ir ake games work) The program NETMON Basic Guide to Econet Line Proioco s Network communications protocol' Glossary of terms and abbreviation;; used in this section: Advanced User Guide for l.-.e BBC Microcomputer - Bray, Dickens & Holmes. The Econet System User G.-ide (The greyish book). Econet Advanced User Gui: e (The black book with sky and clouds on it). . BBC Microcomputer User I'uide - beware, details of OSFIND etc are WRONG. AUG ESUG EAUG UG OSHWM Operating System High W uer Mark -- A system variable, to which BASIC sets the value of PAGE. The value of OSHWM dep.-.nds on how many filing sysiem ROMs arc present in a BBC machine. (Languages do not take up any room, except when they arc active). Here is a list of some common configurations: ROMs fitted No ROMs Disc Econet Disc & Net Teletext Teletext + Disc Teletext + Econet Teletext, Disc + Net value of OSHWM &OEOO &1900 &1200 &1BOO &2200 &2400 &2400 &2600 File names Although individual components af an Econet file na.r e may not be longer than 10 characters, it is quite possible to have a compound file name (eg SJOHN.BBCprogs...' .2ndrev.OLD.developmnt.Addition) of almost infinite length. A compromise length of 80 characters should be p:,-.d as a minimum. Even a DFS file name can be up to 12 characters long (-.2.R.LONGEST), requiring 13 bytes of storage including the CHRS(13) on the end. Programs which disallow filenames over 7 characters long are hif.hly unsatisfactory. Issue 1st August 1991 10-80 SJ Econeu^orkspace When w. 0- * command programs it is desirable 10 allow (hem to run in are- „ memory which do not corrupt BASIC programs and other valuable'user - or system data. The most obvious way of doing this with Econet-specific commands is to use the Econet workspace (Public area) which comprises pages &E and &F. When writing Filing-system independent commands use the area mentioned in note b) below. E10..E1D E1E..E22 E23..E2F E30 E31..EFF FOO..F03 F03..F04 F05..F08 F09..FOC FOD..FDC Notes: a) b) As a general guide the following areas are safe: OK Corrupted during loading OK ? DNFS stores file name OK used by * commands, OSFILE etc. must be zero Corrupted during loading must contain the 32-bit execute address OK It seems now to be an accepted convention that if you can't gel * commands to work in the Econet workspace, then pages 9 and 10 (ie &900..&AFF) should be used. MASTER configuration The default value of OSHWM on a MASTER is &EOO. This means that running transients designed to execute in Econet workspace will probably ovenvrile users' dau. In particular a BASIC program will be corrupted. In addition locations &BOO-&CFF are used as Econet workspace by the MASTER and this can lead to incompatibilities with some BBC software. The best way to avoid possible problems is by setting OSHWM on the MASTER to &1200 to provide compatibility with eariler models of BBC computer. The default value of OSHWM can be changed by issuing the two commands 'CONFIGURE SPACE and *OPT 6,1. Zero-page workspace If you are writing your own * commands, and need some zero-page workspace, it is important to use the correct area. There is an area specifically reserved for such 'Operating System' commands, and this is at locations &A8..&AF. See AUG p. 268. NB it is not good enough to use the 'spare' BASIC workspace &70..&8F, as there is no reason why a user may not run any * command from within any langauge, not necessarily BASIC. ' Use of OS workspac*- The area of memory below t. ^c (or to be mor.4. precise OSHWM) is reserved for use by the OS ..,.d any filing systems that may be in your machine. Interfering with this memory can have unexpected and disastrous effects However, many games and other (illegal, in the '.ad programming sense of the word) programs use RAM below PAGE, sometimes as low as &400 (an admittedly ixceptional case). On the Econet this is particularly nasty as the NFJ; uses NMI which will interrupt ALL machines whenever any net traffic occurs. This results in machines crashing ,vhen plugged into the network. In fact it is not only the NMI workspace which is corrupted during an interrupt but also the NFS Public workspace (pages &E and &F) and the NFS Private workspace, which effectively means i i-y part of RAM below OSHWM. The solution is for the user himself to 'claim' the NMI workspace, which has the effect of disabling the Econet altogether. It is best documented in the AUG pp. 320. To claim NMI workspace use OSBYTE &8F, viz: A%=£8F (sideways ROM call) X%=fiC (the 'claim1 call) Y%=£FF (as it instructs you to do) CALL &FFF4 FOO is used as a buffer for all FS-related commands eg *I AM , *, OSFIND etc. or *FX143,12,255 Of course the main disadvantage of disabling the E : met is that you cannot use any of its facilities while the program in question is running. If you are writing your ow: software, disabling the Econct should only be considered as a last-ditch option. Educational users will be particuUry annoyed as the majority have networks and may wish to use network related utilities with such software. Issue 1st August 1991 10-81 SJ 10.24 The Four-way Handshake Data is transmitted across the network using a four way handshake. This transfer protocol is done automatically by the NFS ROM and the user need not be aware of its existence. The first packet, sent by the sender machine, contains the destination station number, the source station number, the port on which the data i-s being sent, and the type of operation. This packet is called the 'scout packet'. The second packet, which is called the 'acknowledge packet', is sent by the destination station, if the following conditions are met :• 1) The machine is on the network. 2) The machine has a receive block open for that port. 3) The machine is not protected against (he operation. The third packet is the sender machine sending the data. The fourth packet is the destination machine's acknowledgement and means that the data has been correctly received. All operations use this four way handshake with the exception of peek, machine type peek, halt, continue and broadcast. The four-way handshake can been seen using the utility 'NETMON1, which is documented below. Description of the Program NETMON NETMON provides a means of continuously monitoring the network at a very low level. It displays the data bytes as they are sent down the network and also some status information, particularly useful in the debugging of network software, and networks in general. *NETMON loads some very special code which runs the network hardware directly. This effectively removes it from the network, as far as other machines and the program *STATIONS is concerned. It is wise after running NETMON to power-off before attempting to use it for normal programming purposes. The program prints: ECONET MONITOR xxx IE where xxx is the station number of the monitor machine. Monitor output can at any time be stopped by pressing the space bar (ctrl-shift functions as normal). Data bytes as they are sent on the network are ptmted in hex. There are various statuses lhat arc printed and these are: Address present. Indicates that the next byte h an address byte, which is always the first of a packet. Packets arc therefore always separated b, spaces. I Idle detected. Occurs between any two Eco.iet messages. Stations wishing to transmit must always wait for an idle condition on the line a sequence of 15 one's) before enabling their line drivers. A long string of i's is caused by nfi.vork hardware problems, usually either poor wiring, or one or more blown SN75159(BBC);::6LS30(Master) line driver ICs. v Frame valid. Occurs just before the last b>:: of a packet, indicating that the CRC was valid. c CRC error. This can be caused by two sutions transmitting simultaneously, or by noise getting into the network, or by an intermilti.iit network connection, or a bad cconct lead anywhere on the network, or.... o Data overrun error. At clock speeds above 160KXz or thereabouts the monitor cannot keep up with the daw rate. However, BBC machines are iuite capable of running up to about 235Kbaud (2nd processors just under 200Kbaud reliab.;). Unless loss of data bytes, by the monitor program, is a nuisance, this should be of lii'l: concern. b Abort. Normally an error, but at high1 ;lock speeds these can occur on a correctly functioning network (the b occurs in place of the v One can also get packets like: C800010080b i 99 where it would appear that ar idle has occured in the middle of a packeil This is due to the . receive FIFO register in the S!>LC chip, which buffers the data bytes but not the statuses. In fact in real time the idle occur; i after the data bytes. d Clock missing. Lots of d's indicates lhat thedock (to the monitor station at least) is intermittent. Suspect Econet lead, or clock conneciioi in the network, or clock itself. Issue 1st August 1991 10-82 SJ A Bas ilde to Econet Protocols. Hex numbers arc preceded by &, all other numbers are in decimal. A standard Econet interchange might look like this: FE00120080v99 1200FEvOO FE001200900301010203000BvOD 1200FEvOOi which is one of the messages sent when doing a *CAT. Each of the groups of numbers separated by a space is called a Packet, and a group of packets constituting one of the legal Econet transfer protocols is called a Message. The packet is the basic unit on the Econet. Packets consist of: One or more flags (not displayed on monitor) ^ny number of data bytes 2-byte CRC (only correctness or incorrectness displayed on monitor) One flag (not displayed on monitor) Data bytes within the packet follow with no gaps and there are special encoding techniques which ensure that the flag pattern does not occur within a.packet. The packet structure is known as SDLC, and it is constructed and decoded in hardware by a chip in the Econet circuit On the BBC machine an MC68B54 is used (1C 89) and on Z80-based machines a Z80 SIO. You will notice that each packet has the same 4 bytes on the front but the order changed. All Econet packeu have a 4-byte header describing where the message is going, and who sent it. Both these 'addresses' are 2-byte quantities, the first byte being a station number and the second a gateway number. Normally the gateway number is zero, unless you have a Bridge on your network in which case this may be non-zero. A zero gateway number addresses your 'local' network. The first 'address' is the destination address. This is on the front of a packet so that any machine (all machines listen all the time) can tell whether that packet is directed at it or at another machine. The second address is the source address, ie the network address of the machine which transmitted the packet. In the first packet FEOO was the destination address and 1200 was the source address. You should see now that, in the example above, 2 packets were going from station &12 to station &FE, and two from station &FE to station &12. Let us now examine the message in more detail, packet by packet. The first packet is a scout packet, sent to station &FE (=254, so probably the FS) from station &12 (a client). In addition to the packet header, there are two bytes; the first is a control byte, the second the port number identifying the rest of the message. (NB the word port here is nothing to do with hardware ports, although it has much the same function as an identifier.) The control byte isn't very important as regards the FS interface: it can be used for sequencing and is used extensively for printing. The port number is much more interesting. Stations which are set up to receive messages can selectively allow messages from and on . The port number identifies the data to the receiving station as 'this is the data I wish to SAVE' or 'here are some byles to be printed' or 'this is a print status enquiry': &99 has identified the message as an FS command. f \ f The second packet is ani 'wlcdgemem. The firsl packet was sent from the client ( ." FS. The acknowledgement packet goes uie other way (nciice the header bytes are the other way around) ana u is a packci telling station &12 that station &FE has rccognisu! the scout package and is prepared to receive some data. The third packet is a data packet. After the headc there follow data bytes. The protocol docs not specify in advance how many bytes arc going to be sent, and it is up ;o the transmitter (station &12) to decide how many he is going to send. If too many are sent an error wiO be repcr'.ed at both ends. Merc are the data bytes again (less the packet header): 90 03 01 01 02 03 00 OB OD To interpret these bytes we first have to rememb;r the port number in the scout packet, which was &99, the FS command port. This defines the first 5 bytes of da. i to be a Standard Tx Header (See page 63 of EAUG, page 99 of ESUG), so that the reply port is &90, Function cc: e is 3 (an 'Examine' call, used by *CAT) and context handles arc 01,01 and 02. The rest of the data bytes are parameters to the exi nine call (p 65 of EAUG, p. 105 of ESUG), which gives ARG=3, and requests &OB entries starting from entry 0 in cirectory "" (ie the CSD). An ARC of 3 tells the FS that the dau returned should be file title + access, in ASCII. The fourth packet is also an acknowledgement, it tells stations &12 that stations &FE has received the data correctly, and that not too much data was sent We have looked at a successful Econet transfer. .( is also wise to know about transfers that didn't work; the most likely of which is when the error reported is No; listening. This can happen in various ways; either the distant machine is not present, or switched off, or it has nd been set up for receive or it may have crashed. In either case the monitor output will look like this: FE00120080v99 i FE00120080v99 i FE00120080v99 i FE00120080v99 i FE00120080v99 i FE00120080v99 i ie station &12 repeatedly sending scout packets tu station &FE but getting no acknowledgement (It sends a few hundred such packets before reporting an error). This sort of monitor output may also occur under oerfecdy normal circumstances: if an FS is busy with another client and/or there is disc activty going on it will n :t be set up to receive packets on its command port, and so will not send any acknowledge packets. A less likely form of crrormay look like this: FE00120082vDl 1200FEvOO FE001200000.)OA03v31 i (again many times). Station &FE has acknowledge-.' the scout packet from station &12, but has not acknowledged the data packet. Almost certainly too many bytes we;: sent (the BBC machine will report Net error) Issue 1st August 1991 10-83 10.25 Network Communications Protocols ====================================== Most of the traffic between computers on a network is the in the form of a client machine communicating with a server machine. The client machine is the computer at which a person logs on and the server machine is almost always a File Server or Printer Server. However other types of servers can be added to a network either in the form of new hardware such as the SJ Application Server or by running special software in an ordinary BBC computer which turns it in to some sort of server such as the Teletext server software. Writing your own specialised server is not difficult if you are familar with transmitting and receiving data across Econet as described earlier in this chapter. The protocol for communicating with the File Server or a Printer Server is well defined and has been fully described in this chapter. This section describes a general puprose protocol for use if you are writing your own server software. Writing your own server software -------------------------------- Basically you are free to define whatever protocol you wish provided it conforms to the standards laid out in the ESG Paper (see page 10-43). The difficulty is for a client machine to determine which computer on your network is the server. For a File Server this is not a problem as a BBC NFS ROM expects the File Server number to be 254 and on later computers you can configure the default File Server. There is no such default setting possible for other types of server and so a user would have to know the station number of the server with which they wished to communicate. This is not a friendly environment for the user, so a general purpose protocol has been devised which can be used by client software to locate a particular type of server anywhere on a network. Each server type has its own unique name eg TELETEXT, UNIX etc and client software can locate a particular server type by broadcasting its name. Broadcasts travel to all computers on a network, including across bridges, so in this way the client can initiate a communication with a server without needing any information other than its name. Server Logon Protocol --------------------- Client to server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ port &B0 control byte &80 Data name of server in capitals padded with spaces to a length of eight characters as ASCII data. Server to client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ port &B1 control byte &80 Data 0 or error number Data+1 base port for further exchanges Data+2 binary version number of server software, eg &12 for 1.20 Data+3 server type (8 characters, format as for Client to server) Data+11 length of server name (0 if not present) Data+12 server name (optional) Data+12+NameLen server dependant information or 0-terminated error string if ?Data<>0 All servers should respond to the wildcard name of eight spaces. This makes it possible to interrogate your network to find all the servers available. Issue 1st August 1991 10-84 SJ